P. 97

A  Fourth  of July  band  wagon
        with  a  6  mule  hitch.  Picture
        made  around  1948.  Front
        team  of  mules  belong  to  E.
        G.  Sears,  second  team  to  Will
        Stafford  and  third  team  to
        A.  C.  Voss.  Hubert  Voss  was
        the  wagon  master.

       Fourth  of  July  Celebration,  Inc.  is  Mr.  Wilson  Barrow
       and  the  27th  annual  celebration  will  be  held  on  July
       4th,  1971.  One newcomer  to  the  community  states  that
       what amazes him most about the celebration is  the won-
       derful  cooperation  which  exists  among  the  civic  groups
       and  other  citizens  of  Kernersville  to  make  Kernersville
       truly  "The  Fourth  of  July  Town".
            In  1936  an  important  new  building  was  erected  in
       town.  The  Kernersville  Memorial  Community  House
       has,  through  the  years,  contributed  much  to  the  social
       life  of  Kernersville.  It  has  been  used  by  civic  groups,
       for private parties,  family  reunions,  Sunday  services  and                         The  Kernersville  Memorial  Community  House  now  under  the
                                                                                         auspices  of  the  Kernersville  Woman's  Club.
       many  other  functions.  This  building,  located  on  Salis-
       bury  Street,  was  constructed  as  a  $9,999  W.  P.  A.  Proj-                     A  group  enjoys  an  informal  supper  in  the  Kernersville  Memorial
                                                                                         Community  House  in  1954.  Behind  the  fireplace  hangs  the  bronze
       ect.  Numerous  Kernersville  citizens  devoted much  time,                       memorial  tablet  which  contains  the  names  of  the  local  boys  who
                                                                                         served in  World  War I.
       money,  equipment,  shrubbery,  etc.  toward  furnishing
       the  building  and  landscaping  the  grounds.  It  is  now
       under  the  auspices  of  the  Woman's  Club.
            The  building  was  dedicated  on  September  12,  1936
       to  the  honor  of  the  World  War  I  soldiers  of  this  com-
       munity.  The  service  of  dedication  conclud~d  with  the
       unveiling of the bronze memorial tablet which contained
       their  names.
            And  so  we  conclude  this  potpourri  of  Kernersville
       miscellany.  Many  names,  pictures  and  events  were
       surely  omitted  through  lack  of  knowledge,  but  we  can
       only  hope  what  is  here  will  contribute  to  a  new  chain
       of  "do  you  remember?"  stories.

                                                                                    Robert  Joyce  op  Fourth of July  Float around  1948

                                                                                                                                                   / /

          George   Washington   re-
       visits   Kernersville,   Monday
       morning  February  22,  1971.

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