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         Party Rental Crea ons………..…….1-2

         Zmania Javi………………………..……….3


         Rosalba Soria…….……..………..….……5
                                                                     At Party Rental Crea ons

         Our Talent……...….……………………….6
                                                                      You are a ended by the
         Mi Fanilia Income Tax….……...………7
                                                                   owner. She is been offering
         El Sueño Americano Magazine
                                                                   her services for the last five

         Inaugura on……………………………8-12
                                                                     years at birthday par es,

                                                                   gradua ons, bap sms, con-

                                                                    firma ons, weddings, and

                                                                            social mee ngs.

         This magazine is promoved
                                                                     For more informa on call
         Ocean Marke ng Services                                                     Zaira

                                                                              972 607 0063

                                                                     And ask for her discounts

                                                                        for new clients on her

                                                                    different packages of des-

                                                                       serts, tables, bouncing

         www.oceanmarke ngsolu                                    houses, and chairs.


         469 955 1662
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7