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 AGC of Ohio has a comprehensive governmental affairs program   AGC of Ohio publishes three electronic newsletters regularly:
 coordinated through AGC’s Board of Directors and committees. AGC   Building Ohio , Safety Update and Government Affairs Update.   What Is AGC ACTION?
 of Ohio lobbies and educates the state legislature and other elected   Building Ohio covers AGC of Ohio and member news, AGC of   AGC ACTION is the nonpartisan political action committee (PAC) sponsored by AGC of Ohio.  AGC ACTION pools
 officials about business and construction-related issues, either   America information and other matters of interest to commercial   personal, voluntary financial contributions from individuals in the constructionindustry. The contributions are used
 alone or in conjunction with other business associations, and works   contractors. Safety Update informs members of safety-related   to support Ohio legislators and statewide elected officials who, regardless of party affiliation, understand the
 with state agencies on issues of concern to AGC of Ohio members.   news, including OSHA regulatory and enforcement activities,   construction industry and the specific needs, interests and concerns  of AGC member companies and their employees.
 The association has a political action committee called AGC of Ohio   construction safety tips and advice, equipment recalls, and AGC
 Action that raises money to assist legislators and candidates for   of Ohio safety meetings and event notices. Government Affairs   What Does AGC Do Around The Statehouse?
 statewide office who support contractors and AGC’S positions on   Update provides information about AGC of Ohio’s advocacy   AGC of Ohio pushes for legislation and rules that would improve the commercial building industry and tries to prevent or change
 issues affecting the commercial building industry.   efforts and regulatory and governmental issues of interest to the   those that would hurt contractors and their employees. Issues that AGC of Ohio regularly deals with include public and private
    commercial building industry.   construction requirements, workforce development and training, workers’ compensation, economic development, safety, taxation,
 AWARDS PROGRAMS     preference programs, building codes, unemployment compensation, etc.
 AGC of Ohio’s Build Ohio has grown to be Ohio’s most recognizable   The printed Build Ohio Preview recognizes the efforts of Ohio
 commercial building awards program. Member companies enter   contractors and those entered in AGC of Ohio’s Build Ohio awards   Why Is PAC Important?
 completed projects in one of five categories. Winning projects   competition. AGC of Ohio also publishes a Membership Directory   A healthy PAC is an essential tool for AGC of Ohio to maintain a strong presence around the Statehouse. Ohio law does not allow
 receive the prestigious bronze and green marble Build Ohio award   & Resource Guide annually.     for corporate contributions to political campaigns; therefore, AGC cannot use association monies or dues for political events and
 and are recognized during the Build Ohio Celebration gala.        fund raisers. AGC instead uses AGC ACTION funds that come from contractors’ personal contributions. PAC allows AGC staff to
    AGC of America newsletters cover a broad range of topics, some   attend fund raisers to show support for lawmakers that are willing to take the time to understand AGC’s issues and appreciate
 Two safety awards programs are held annually to recognize   of which are available exclusively to members only.  For more   our concerns. And, even though AGC may not give directly to certain legislators, when they see AGC at caucus events or another
 contractors’ safety efforts. The Construction Safety Excellence   information, visit   lawmaker’s fund raiser, they are more inclined to listen to AGC’s concerns. A healthy PAC helps afford AGC access, thus allowing
 Awards recognizes contractors for their overall safety program; and   AGC the opportunity to better influence legislators on matters related to the construction industry.
 the National AGC Safety Awards program awards Certificates of   In addition, the AGC of Ohio website,, is an   Contribute To AGC ACTION And Help AGC Advocate For The Industry And Your Business!
 Commendation for low incidence rates.    informational resource for industry issues and news, as well as   Contribution levels are up to the individual – contributions have been as small as $25 and as much as $1,500. Mail your personal or
    AGC of Ohio efforts, programs and events. AGC of Ohio also sends   PAC check to: AGC ACTION, 1755 Northwest Blvd, Columbus OH 43212.
 AGC of Ohio’s Pinnacle Award for Lifetime Achievement distin-  informative bulletins and updates on a variety of construction-
 guishes those that remain active in AGC of Ohio long after serving a   related topics.   Note: PAC contributions are not tax deductible. The state of Ohio does not allow corporate contributions. Sole proprietors, partner-
 direct leadership role. Only four have been presented to date.      ships and unincorporated associations, which include incorporated professional associations and limited liability companies, may
    SPECIAL EVENTS  use company funds to contribute.
 BUSINESS RESOURCES  Four major annual events bring a large number of contractors
 AGC provides wide variety of resources to assist in companies’   from all over Ohio together: AGC of Ohio’s annual convention,   Learn More About AGC’s Advocacy Efforts:
 day-to-day business and address specific construction issues as they   which usually takes place in a warm, exotic locale; the Build Ohio   Visit or contact Andrea Ashley - or call (614) 486-6446
 arise. Some include labor law posters, Project Delivery Systems   Celebration that honors the accomplishments of the commercial
 Guide, construction-related publications, legal and regulatory   construction industry and recognizes excellence in construction; a
 information, etc.   Safety Luncheon that honors companies’ safety achievements; and   AGC of America is the leading association for the construction industry!
    a golf outing that benefits the AGC of Ohio Scholarship Fund.
 AGC of Ohio has negotiated special discounts and services   With over 26,000 member firms, AGC provides a full range of services satisfying the needs and concerns of its members, thereby
 with select member benefit companies, including: CareWorks;   WORKERS’ COMPENSATION PROGRAM  improving the quality of construction and protecting the public interest. AGC member firms have the benefit of AGC of America's 100
 CareWorksComp; Enterprise; GM Fleet; National Purchasing   Administered by CareWorksComp, the AGC of Ohio Group   years of experience representing the interests of the construction industry. In addition, a membership in AGC of America provides you
 Partners; Ohio Construction Connection. Many other discount   Workers’ Compensation Program saves companies a significant   with an incomparable menu of products, programs and services to support your business.
 programs are available through AGC of America.    amount of money on their workers’ compensation premiums.  •       Proven Advocacy and Influence
               •       Essential News and Information
 AGC members and staff work with government entities, education
 Through nationally developed programs delivered directly by AGC   facilities, career centers and the public to educate them about the   •       Dynamic Networking Opportunities
 of America to those offered through AGC’s network of chapters and   industry, promote construction careers, and improve its image.   •       Nationally Accredited Educational Programs
 member firms, AGC’s education programs and training resources   •       Training Guides, Videos and Industry Publications (link is external)
 address core topics essential to any construction professional and   AGC of Ohio, in conjunction with the other AGC-affiliated   •
 company   associations across Ohio, created the IBuildAmerica-Ohio       Industry Specific Resources and Networking
    campaign.  The initiative promotes the construction industry, and   •       Member Discounts
 PROJECT DELIVERY SYSTEMS  its accompanying website,, serves   •       AGC Career Center (link is external)                                                                                   WWW.AGC.ORG
 AGC of Ohio addresses issues related to methods of construction.   as a one-stop-shop for information about construction careers and
 The association works with state officials on construction docu-  pathways into the industry.  Join Today!  Membership starts locally, contact any AGC Chapter to begin taking advantage of all of the membership benefits offered
 ments and contracting  and with other construction associations on   through your local chapter and AGC of America.
 issues of mutual concern.   AGC of Ohio has an extensive scholarship program where the
    association, divisions and members sponsor scholarships under   Maximize Your AGC of America Membership  Already a Member? Personalize your AGC of America experience, including sign up for
 SAFETY  the auspices of the AGC of Ohio Education Foundation.  At least  AGC eNewsletters; join AGC divisions, committees and forums; and designate your communication preferences.
 AGC of Ohio provides advocacy on safety and workers’   30 scholarships are awarded annually to students pursuing
 compensation-related issues, as well as networking opportunities   construction degrees.
 and educational programs for construction safety professionals.   The following membership listing includes full dues-paying Associated General Contractors of Ohio members.
 AGC also provides safety resources for contractors and collaborates   LEARN MORE ABOUT AGC OF OHIO AND ITS    It does not include those hundreds of firms associated with AGC through the industry advancement programs,
 with other industry groups on construction safety and health   PROGRAMS AND SERVICES AT WWW.AGCOHIO.COM  affinity programs or seven operating divisions.
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