Page 54 - Just Deserts
P. 54

Revelation Research

          “Well, yes, those  objections could be raised.”  Honus  Bellwether
        tapped the papers with his left forefinger. “But once we get the ball
        rolling,  the  particulars  of  her  case  history  will  be  relatively
        insignificant. And the hundred  thousand dollars she demands might
        never be delivered: it’s not carved in stone that her protection has to
        be  provided  by  us.  She’ll  become  a  momentary  celebrity,  then  a
        state’s witness—let the government hide her away somewhere in the
        boondocks. God knows we pay enough taxes for that sort of thing.”
          The cleric’s slightly pained expression did not alter. “We also don’t
        know  exactly  what  kind  of  proof  she  will  offer  at  the  appropriate
        moment. It may well be, as Mary—or whatever her real name is—
        wants to believe, and wants us to believe, that the Lord has chosen
        her  as  an  instrument  of  His  vengeance,  to  smite  His  enemies  on
        national television. How do we know what she really might do?”
          The mogul of mastication raised his hands in mock despair.
          “How? How indeed, Lem? We have it on good authority, that’s
        how. Phineas did all the necessary research. He’s never let us down.
        How did we know modern science would get tripped up on its own
        methodology when we put the screws to it on the evolution issue?
        How  could  we  have  predicted  the  populace  would  accept  our
        definition of patriotism rather than the ACLU’s? How, in fact, have
        we managed to keep the money rolling in to our treasury during the
        economic  downturn?  With  research.  In-depth  surveys.  The  same
        stuff  advertisers  use.  We  have  to  compete  in  the  contemporary
        marketplace of ideas. And we do: our use of computers and industrial
        psychology is decades ahead of the liberals and environmentalists!”
          General  Newcombe  puffed  out  his  ruddy  cheeks  and  glared  at
           “You’re too full of doubt for a preacher, if you  don’t mind my
        saying so; and you, Bellwether, have too much faith in technology.
        All  I need  is the  Bible to show  me  what’s right. The Lord abhors
        these blasphemous anti-Christian swine, male or female or something
        in between; I don’t need to quote you chapter and verse. But we are
        here  to  fight  the  forces  of  darkness,  and  we  must  seize  on  every
        opportunity that presents itself. It’s a nasty, dirty business, and some
        people  who  don’t  understand  their  role  in  this  mighty  contest  of
        cosmic  powers  will  be  crushed  underfoot  by  the  troops  on  both
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