Page 3 - 57-59 Borden Avenue, Norwich, NY
P. 3


                     SQUARE           START    EXPIRATION    BASE    RENT   INCREASE   INCREASE                    LEASE
      TENANT                 RBA%                                                                    OPTIONS
                      FEET            DATE        DATE       RENT     PSF     DATE    AMOUNT                       TYPE
                                                                                                Renews to M-2-M with
      Kerry Bio-Science   70,000    1/21/2002   12/31/2022  $224,000  $3.20  1/1/2018  $227,500  90 Day Termination   Gross
                                                                            1/1/2019  $231,000
                                                                            1/1/2020  $234,500

                                                                            1/1/2021  $238,000
                                                                            1/1/2022  $241,500
                                                                                                  1 - 3 Year Option  Modified
      CZ-USA, Inc.    25,000   18%  12/18/2012  6/30/2025   $99,521  $3.98  7/1/2018  $102,507
                                                                                                1.5% Annual Increases*  Gross
                                                                            7/1/2019  $107,166
                                                                            7/1/2020  $108,773
                                                                            7/1/2021  $110,405
                                                                            7/1/2022  $112,061
                                                                            7/1/2023  $113,742
                                                                            7/1/2024  $115,448

      Southern Tier    26,400  19%  9/10/2016    9/9/2019   $95,004  $3.60  9/10/2018  $96,429     1 - 2 Year Term  Modified
      Pet Nutrition                                                                             1.5% Annual Increases  Gross

                                                                                                  1 - 2.5 Year Term
      Snyder                                                                                                      Modified
      Communications  14,400  11%   9/29/2000    7/1/2025   $48,000  $3.33  1/1/2018   $50,400  1.5% Annual Increases   Gross
                                                                                               on January 1 In Option**
     * Option to Terminate Lease after 1/1/2021; 12 Months Notice
     ** Option to Terminate Lease after 12/31/2021; Six Months Notice
    TENANT STORIES                                                     INCOME & EXPENSES

     KERRY BIO-SCIENCE              CZ-USA, INC.                     INCOME

     Kerry Bio-Science falls under the corporate   CZ-USA  is a subsidiary of CZUB, a Czech   Base Rent       $474,360*
     umbrella of Kerry Group, an international   manufacturer and distributor of firearms   Expense Reimbursements
     food additives manufacturer headquartered   founded in 1936. Formed in 1997, CS-USA                        $6,869**
     in Tralee, Ireland. The company produces   imports and manufactures firearms for the    Effective Gross Income   $481,439
     refined specialty proteins, pharmaceutical   US Market.
     grade lactose, and is a processor of                            EXPENSES
     vanilla beans.                Dan  Wesson Firearms, a subsidiary
                                   of CS-USA, manufactures and tests     Taxes                                  $38,448
     Kerry Group has a S&P credit  rating of   firearms in this specialized facility which   Insurance          $13,364
     BBB+ and an outlook of stable.  includes manufacturing equipment and a
                                   firing range.                         Fire Safety                             $4,400
                                                                         Water & Sewer                           $2,000
     Southern Tier Pet Nutrition, manufactures   Snyder Communications is a newspaper   Maintenance              $9,250
     and distributes dry pet food. The company   company  headquartered  at the Subject
     offers holistic, natural, and organic pet   Property and is the parent company of   Lawn                    $4,320
     foods for dogs, cats, ferrets, and kois.   The Evening Sun, The New Berlin Gazette,
                                   and Circulars  Unlimited, all produced    Snow Plow                           $2,340
     The company is part of Bright Pet    on site.                       Management ***                    3% / $14,231
     Nutrition Group, along with Ohio Pet
     Foods and Blackwood Pet Food, and   Sun Printing, Inc, founded in 2001   Total Expenses                    $88,353
     services customers in Canada, Japan,   includes a twelve-unit press and is one   Net Operating Income     $392,877
     South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan,    of the largest printing facilities in Central
     and Israel.                   New York.
                                                                    * Calendar Year 2018
                                                                    ** CS-USA Tax Reimbursement
                                                                    *** Current Owner Self Manages; Included for Best Practice
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