Page 140 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 140
Pro High Performance Ford Type F
Synthetic Blend Motor Oil Automatic Transmission Fluid
High performance lubricant includes a blend of high qual- Durable, yet economical Ford Type F fluid may be
ity synthetics and mineral base stocks for outstanding engine used when a 2-P or M2C33-F fluid is recommend-
protection, even under high stress racing conditions. Sold in quart ed or required. May also be used in all transmis-
bottles, or in cases of 12 quarts. sions, power steering units and hydraulic systems
1 Quart 1 Case when Ford Type F fluid is specified. Sold in one
Description Bottle (12) Quarts quart bottles, or in cases of 12 quarts.
5W-20 Motor Oil AMA75646-56 AMA160-75646-56 1 Quart 1 Case
5W-30 Motor Oil AMA75666-56 AMA160-75666-56 Description Bottle (12) Quarts
5W-40 Motor Oil AMA65696-56 AMA160-65696-56 Ford Type F ATF AMA62836-56 AMA160-62836-56
5W-50 Motor Oil AMA75616-56 AMA160-75616-56 Elixir Full Synthetic 75W-90 Gear Lube
10W-30 Motor Oil AMA75676-56 AMA160-75676-56 Elixir gear lubricant delivers maximum protection to gear
10W-40 Motor Oil AMA75686-56 AMA160-75686-56 sets, providing longer gear life, maximum gear protection
15W-50 Motor Oil AMA75636-56 AMA160-75636-56 and improved efficiency. GL-5 lubricant is manufac-
20W-50 Motor Oil AMA75696-56 AMA160-75696-56 tured from 100% synthetic base oils and includes
70W Motor Oil AMA65676-56 AMA160-65676-56 a specialized additive system for unsurpassed
durability. Sold in one quart bottles, or in cases of
Elixir Full Synthetic Motor Oil 12 quarts.
Formulated with 100% base stocks and a package 1 Quart 1 Case
of state-of-the-art additives. Versatile formula Description Bottle (12) Quarts
is well suited to street or competition racing Elixir Full Synthetic AMA73166-56 AMA160-73166-56
applications. Sold in quart bottles, or in cases of Gear Lube
12 quarts. Hypoid Gear Multi-Purpose Gear Lube
1 Quart 1 Case Hypoid Gear Multi-Purpose lubricant combines the benefits
Description Bottle (12) Quarts of maximum gear protection at minimum cost. GL-5 lubri-
0W-40 Motor Oil AMA65776-56 AMA160-65776-56 cant satisfies basic rear axle performance requirements
5W-30 Motor Oil AMA75766-56 AMA160-75766-56 to a wide variety of differentials. Sold in one quart
5W-50 Motor Oil AMA75716-56 AMA160-75716-56 bottles, or in cases of 12 quarts.
15W-50 Motor Oil AMA75736-56 AMA160-75736-56
1 Quart 1 Case
Description Bottle (12) Quarts
Imperial Turbo Motor Oil Hypoid Gear AMA73116-56 AMA160-73116-56
Multi-viscosity Imperial Turbo motor oils offer Multi-Purpose 75W-90
Hypoid Gear
unsurpassed engine protection, regardless of Multi-Purpose 85W-140 AMA73156-56 AMA160-73156-56
operating temperature or conditions. Well suited
to domestic or imported vehicles that may Blue Hi-Temp Grease
be turbocharged or supercharged, oils meet Lithium complex grease is intended for automotive
or exceed new car manufacturer’s warranty applications requiring protection from extreme pres-
requirements and stringent API SN/CF-ILSAC sure, oxidation, water resistance and rust. Suited to
GL-5 industry standards. Formulated to protect wheel bearings, ball joints, etc. Sold in 1 lb. tubs, 14
modern, close-tolerance and older, high mileage oz. cartridges, or in cases of tubs or cartridges.
engines. Sold in quart bottles, or in cases of 12 1 Lb. 1 Case 14 Oz. 1 Case
quarts. Tub (12) Tubs Cartridge (10) Cartridges
1 Quart 1 Case AMA68326-93 AMA160-68326-93 AMA68321-91 AMA160-68321-91
Description Bottle (12) Quarts
5W-20 Motor Oil AMA71046-56 AMA160-71046-56 Elixir Synthetic Blend Grease
5W-30 Motor Oil AMA71066-56 AMA160-71066-56 Elixir offers improved protec-
10W-30 Motor Oil AMA71076-56 AMA160-71076-56 tion when compared to traditional
10W-40 Motor Oil AMA71086-56 AMA160-71086-56 greases. Sold in 15 oz. cartridges,
or in cases of 10 cartridges.
1 Case
15 Oz.
Universal Synthetic Description Cartridge (10) 15 Oz. Cartridges
Automatic Transmission Fluid Elixir Synthetic Blend Grease AMA68342-94 AMA160-68342-94
A fully synthetic, premium automatic transmis- Premium DOT 3 And DOT 4 Brake Fluids
sion fluid designed for a wide variety of vehicles
and applications. Fluid combines a special blend DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids minimize corrosion,
of synthetic base oils, a multi-functional additive lubricates and controls seal swelling over a wide
system and advanced friction modifiers. Sold in temperature range. DOT 3 fluid has a minimum boiling
quart bottles, or in cases of 12 quarts. point of 450°F, while the DOT 4 fluid includes a mini-
mum boiling point of 475°F. Sold in 12 oz. container, or
1 Quart 1 Case
Description Bottle (12) Quarts in cases.
Universal AMA72866-56 AMA160-72866-56 12 Oz. 1 Case
Synthetic ATF Description Container (12) 12 Oz. Containers
DOT 3 AMA65031-92 AMA160-65031-92
DOT 4 AMA65041-92 AMA160-65041-92