Page 368 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 368

LM-2 Air/Fuel Ratio Meter                         ECB-1 Ethanol Content And
           The LM-2’s 32-channel data log-                  Air/Fuel Ratio Gauges
          ger has a direct digital wideband                   Four-in-one, 2-1/16” diam-
          circuit to record, view and analyze               eter gauges allow monitoring ethanol
          lean or rich conditions at any load               content percentage, fuel temperature,
          and then review on-screen or on                   vacuum/boost pressure and wideband
          a computer. Its LogWorks 3.0. can                 O2. DirectDigital O2 technology and
          read or clear OBD-II trouble codes.               application specifi c sensors are used
          A built-in RPM converter, four                    to maintain gauge accuracy. User con-
          differential analog outputs, two                  fi gurable display allows viewing one, two or four channel viewing
          confi gured outputs, MTS serial in                 modes. Sold complete with Bosch LSU 4.9 wideband O2 sensor,
          and out, and USB connection are                   MTS serial in/out cable and necessary hardware.
          other features. Available in single                   Part No.               Description
          and dual wideband oxygen sensor     INN3837           INN3906         Ethanol Advanced Complete Gauge Kit
          models and a “Basic” unit which                       INN3911*           Ethanol Advanced Gauge Kit
          analyze air/fuel ratios, but lacks RPM input and OBD-II features.  * Ethanol sensor must be purchased separately.
            Part No.               Description
            INN3806      LM-2 Air/Fuel Ratio Meter, Single Oxygen Sensor  ECF-1 Ethanol Content And
            INN3807      LM-2 Air/Fuel Ratio Meter, Dual Oxygen Sensors  Air/Fuel Ratio Gauges
            INN3837    LM-2 Air/Fuel Ratio Meter, “Basic” Single Oxygen Sensor
          Replacement/Accessory Components                    Patented DirectDigital control technol-
            INN3735             Steel Bung And Plug Set     ogy is used to monitor air/fuel ratio,
            INN3736          Stainless Steel Bung And Plug Set  ethanol content percentage, fuel tem-
            INN3737      Bosch LSU 4.2 5-Wire Wideband Oxygen Sensor  perature and fuel pressure. Four-in-one,
            INN3811                Analog Cable             2-1/16” diameter gauges feature user
            INN3814               Window Mount              confi gurable display and an LED warn-
            INN3828              Sensor Cable, 18 Ft.
                                                            ing indicator for low fuel pressure. Sold
                                                            complete with interchangeable faceplates and
                                                            bezels, Bosch LSU 4.9 wideband O2 sensor,
                                                            MTS serial in/out cable and necessary hardware.
                                                                Part No.                Description
                                                                INN3903       ECF-1 Ethanol Content And Air/Fuel Ratio Gauge
                                                                INN3910*      ECF-1 Ethanol Content And Air/Fuel Ratio Gauge
                                                            * Ethanol sensor must be purchased separately.
                                                            MTX-A Analog Series Gauges
                                                              Microprocessor driven, high perfor-
                                                            mance stepper motor gauges include
          MTX-L PLUS Digital Air/Fuel Ratio Gauges          superior needle holding force along
           Among the fastest reacting, most durable and accurate air/  with exceptional shock and vibration
          fuel ratio gauges currently available. The MTX-L PLUS features   resistance. Each 2-1/16” diameter
          a large, digital readout with a programmable, “Digital Needle”   gauge is sold complete with inter-
          that combines the function of a needle gauge with the pinpoint   changeable black and silver bezels and
          accuracy of a digital display. Compact, 2-1/16” gauges are sold   MTS serial in/out cable.
          complete with interchangeable faceplates and bezels, Bosch LSU   Part No.  Description
          4.9 wideband O2 sensor, sensor cable, exhaust bung, program   INN3855  Air/Fuel Ratio Gauge, 8-18 AFR, Bosch LSU 4.9 Wideband O2 Sensor
                                                                                    And 8’ Cable
          cable and manual.                                  INN3857            Vacuum/Boost Gauge, 0-20 PSI
           Part No.               Description                INN3861           Oil/Water Temperature, 120-280°F
           INN3918   MTX-L PLUS Digital Air/Fuel Ratio Gauge Kit, 8’ Sensor Cable  INN3865  Exhaust Gas Temperature, 0-1,800°F
           INN3924   MTX-L PLUS Digital Air/Fuel Ratio Gauge Kit, 3’ Sensor Cable  INN3908  Vacuum/Boost Gauge, 0-30 PSI

          DB Series                                         MTX-D Dual Function Gauges
                                                              Innovative gauges include the ability to
          Digital Air/Fuel                                  perform dual functions (unless specifi ed).
          Ratio Gauges                                      Gauges utilize 2-1/16” diameter, water-
           Compact, 2-1/16”                                 resistant cases and are sold complete with
          diameter DB Series Digital                        interchangeable faceplates and bezels,
          Air/Fuel Ratio Gauges are                         locking connectors, MTS serial cable, elec-
          available with or without                         tronic pressure sensor, cable for pressure
          LC-1 Lambda cable, wide-                          sensor and installation guide.
          band oxygen sensor and                              Part No.               Description
          hardware.                                           INN3904    Ethanol Content (0-100%) And Fuel Content (-40°-257°F)
                                     Gauge Kit   Gauge Only   INN3912*   Ethanol Content (0-100%) And Fuel Content (-40°-257°F.
                  Description         Part No.    Part No.    INN3913    Oil Pressure (0-145 PSI) And Temperature (120°-280°F)
            DB Digital Gauge, Blue Illumination  INN3795  INN3793  INN3917†    Fuel Pressure (0-145 PSI or 10 Bar)
             DB Digital Gauge, Red Illumination  INN3796  INN3794  * Ethanol sensor must be purchased separately. † Single function gauge.

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