Page 475 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 475
Nitrous Systems For Modified Engines Nitrous Systems For Highly Modified Engines
Cheater ™ Sportsman Fogger
For the se ri ous bracket racer who NOS05088
wants an extra 150 to 250 horse- Produce an extra 50-250
power. Kit’s 1/2" thick injector plate horsepower by injecting
fits be tween the carb and manifold. precisely measured amounts
Includes full 10 lb. nitrous oxide of fuel and nitrous into each
bottle, NOS and fuel solenoids, port with the patented fogger
filters, four stag es of jets, hoses and nozzles. Engineered for car-
hardware. bureted or fuel injected small
Part No. Description block V8. Change nitrous and
NOS02001 V8 Holley 4bbl. Cheater System fuel jets in each fogger nozzle
NOS02002 V8 Holley 4500 Cheater System to adjust power levels. Includes 10 lb. bottle, nitrous and fuel sole-
noids, nozzles, stainless steel braided line and hardware.
Dual Shot Cheater NOS02201
Maximizes performance from ™
the starting line to the finish line, Pro Shot Fogger
adding two stages of nitrous to NOS02462
any Holley/Carter AFB 4BBL setup. For professional big block
Adjustable from 50-250 horse- applications, may be ad-
power, the first stage is activated justed from 150 to over 500
by a throttle switch on the carbu- horsepower. Fogger2 Nozzle
retor while the second stage can produces the ultimate in
be activated by the driver or with combustion and fuel distribu-
the optional NOS15838 Delay Timer. Includes 10 lb. bottle, Super tion. Each cylinder is injected
Powershot and Cheater fuel and nitrous solenoids, 1/2" thick with an exact nitrous mixture.
injector plate, stainless steel braided line, fittings and hardware. Includes 10 lb. bottle, nitrous
and fuel solenoids, Fogger2
Big Shot ™ nozzles, filters, fittings, tub-
Up to 400 horsepower from a ing, distribution blocks, jets, switches, stainless line and hardware.
single plate. System uses a “fog-
ging” plate for improved nitrous Pro Shot Fogger “Professional Kit”
flow, fuel atomization and mixture
distribution on highly modified V8 NOS02464
engines. Includes Super Pro Shot “Professional” Pro Shot
nitrous solenoid, -6AN supply line, Fogger nitrous system is
10 lb. nitrous bottle, a variety of engineered for the profes-
power jets, 1/2" thick “fogging” sional nitrous user and is
plate, filters, fittings, switches, and capable of adding an extra
hardware. 500 horsepower. System
utilizes the stainless steel
Part No. Description
NOS02101 For V8 Holley 4bbl. And Late Carter AFB “Super A” Fogger nozzle for added durability and strength, while
NOS02102 For V8 Holley 4500 Dominator 4bbl. the solenoids, hard lines, distribution blocks, jetting and hardware
NOS02111 For V8 Holley 4500 Dominator 4bbl x 2 have been improved as well. System is sold less bottle.
NOS05151 For V8 GM TPI, 1985-92 Camaro/Firebird 5.0/5.7L; 1985-91 Corvette 5.7L
NOS05168 For V8 GM LS1 1998-Up Camaro/Firebird; Corvette C5
Big Shot Upgrade Kits Launcher Progressive Nitrous Controller
NOS0025 Converts Single Holley Cheater (NOS02001) To Big Shot NOS15977
NOS0027 Converts Single Holley Dominator Cheater (NOS02002) To Big Shot
The Launcher simpli-
fies the programming
and can independently
System Accessories and progressively con-
trol up to four stages
of nitrous activation
using a laptop. Software
Purge Valve Kit offers straightforward
Purge nitrous at the solenoids For instant and programming and full
data-logging capability for reviewing past runs. Unit may be pro-
con sis tent nitrous injection.
grammed to add or subtract nitrous at any point to compensate for
Part No. Description track or weather conditions. Wiring and hardware are included.
NOS16030 -4AN Purge Valve Kit
NOS16032 -6AN Purge Valve Kit
NOS16039 Blue LED Upgrade Kit, Lights Only, For NOS16030 Or NOS16032