Page 583 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 583

Electric Shifter Kits                              Engine Lean-Out Kit SHFPC3000
                  Make hands free, consistent                        Ideal for alcohol engines, Engine Lean-
                 automatic shifting. Shifnoid                       Out Kit provides quicker engine warm-up.
                 electric shifters attach to your                   Kit connects to the intake manifold and
                 existing shifter and require                       includes “push-to-connect” fittings, air
                 no CO2. Offered for compat-                        line and industrial grade valve.
                 ibility with a variety of popular
                 2- or 3-speed automatic
                 transmissions, standard or                         Starting Line Controller SHFSN8000
                 reverse pattern valve bodies                        In-line linkage
                 and shifters. 3-speed models     Shifter Not Included  controller provides
                 actuate both the 1-2 and 2-3                       a smooth transition,
                 shifts. Includes ready to bolt-on bracket, solenoid and relay. RPM-  from preset launch
                 activated switch not included.
                                                                    RPM to full throttle,
                    Part No.   Description      Shifter Compatibility  with the throttle fully
                                             Hurst Quarterstick, B&M Pro Stick,
                  SHFSN5000FC  2-Speed Standard Pattern             to the floor. May be
                                               TCI Outlaw/Thunderstick
                  SHFSN5000RC  2-Speed Standard Pattern  Hurst Quarter Stick II  actuated with the line
                  SHFSN5055B  3-Speed Reverse Pattern  B&M Pro Stick, TCI Outlaw/Thunderstick  lock or trans-brake. The starting line RPM may be set as low as
                  SHFSN5055H  3-Speed Reverse Pattern  Hurst Quarterstick  idle.
                                             Hurst Quarterstick, B&M Pro Stick,
                   SHFSN5057  3-Speed Standard Pattern
                                               TCI Outlaw/Thunderstick
                   SHFSN5070  3-Speed Reverse Pattern  B&M Pro Ratchet  CO2 Bottle Backup Air Filler
                   SHFSN5200  2-Speed Standard Pattern  B&M Pro Bandit  SHFPC1800
                           Part No.               Description        Ideal for unexpected emergencies or full
                 Replacement Components                             time use, special backup air filler valve
                          SHFSN3000             Solenoid For SN5100
                          SHFSN3400            Solenoid For #SN5000FC  allows filling CO2 bottle with compressed
                                                                    air directly from an air tank or air compres-
                 Electric 2-Speed Shifter Kit                       sor. Engineered for the high pressures
                                                                    associated with CO2, valve is permanently
                 SHFSN6000                                          installed onto regulator and ready for use.
                  Solenoid/spring activated shifter
                 provides hands-free shifting and
                 unsurpassed consistency. Bracket                   CO2 Accessories
                 and solenoid kit is designed for use
                 on 2-speed transmissions using
                 B&M Pro Stick, Hurst Quarter Stick,
                 TCI Outlaw, TCI Thunderstick (ft. exit                    SHFPC100                   SHFPC2008
                 cable) and Hurst Quarter Stick II (rear exit
                 cable) shifters.
                                                                     Part No.               Description
                                                                    SHFPC100           Pressure Rupture Disc With Nut
                 Air Shifter Kits                                   SHFPC125                CO2 Line Kit
                                                                                 Straight Fitting, 1/8" NPT To 1/4" Hose, Quick Connect
                  Perform hands-free, consis-                       SHFPC290    90° Swivel Fitting, 1/8" Pipe To 1/4" Hose, Quick Connect
                 tent shifting using CO2. Offered                   SHFPC310  3-Way Air Valve, Normally Open/Normally Closed, (3) 1/8"-27 NPSF Ports
                 for compatibility with a variety                   SHFPC2000  Perma-Seal CO2 Outlet Seal, Provides Permanent Seal Between CO2
                 of popular 2- or 3-speed                                               Regulator And Bottle Valve
                 automatic transmissions,                           SHFPC2004  Single Gauge CO2 Regulator, With Gauge And Quick Connect Fitting
                                                                                  Dual Gauge CO2 Regulator, Adjustable Dual Gauge
                 standard or reverse                                SHFPC2008           With Quick Connect Fitting
                 pattern valve bodies                               SHFPC2020    Lightweight Aluminum CO2 Bottle With Valve, 10 Oz.
                 and shifters. 3-speed                              SHFPC2030     2.5 Lb. CO2 Bottle With Standard Valve, 4-3/8” Dia.
                 models actuate both
                 the 1-2 and 2-3
                 shifts. Unit attaches                              RPM-Activated Switches
                 to existing shifter and                             Typically used with air or electric shift-
                 includes ready to bolt-                            ers, switches prevents activation due to
                 on bracket, shifting                               premature RPM climb caused by tire slippage
                 arm, cylinder, solenoid                            or converter flash. Compatible with all 8-cylinder
                 and hardware. CO2 bottle and supply lines not included.  ignitions (except magnetos).
                                                    Shifter             Part No.               Description
                   Part No.    Description        Compatibility       SHFNCRPM1000          RPM-Activated Switch
                                             Hurst Quarterstick, B&M Pro Stick,   SHFNCRPM4000  Adj-A-Chip, Plug-In Module, 1,000-11,000 RPM
                  SHFSA4000  2-Speed Standard Pattern
                                                TCI Outlaw/Thunderstick
                                             Hurst Quarterstick,  B&M Pro Stick,
                  SHFSA4055  3-Speed Reverse Pattern
                                                TCI Outlaw/Thunderstick
                  SHFSA5400  2-Speed Standard Pattern  B&M Pro Bandit

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