Page 65 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 65
Burst Panel Components Carb Shear Plates
Carb plates with built-in shear design
help maximize performance on race
engines with a large amount of cam overlap
by creating a dam under the throttle plates, ALL25970
helping to build low pressure while improving
ALL26310 ALL26311 vacuum signal to the carb. 1/2" tall plates are
machined from 6061-T6 aluminum and clear
Burst panel is designed to blow open or anodized to protect against corrosion.
release excessive manifold pressure in the Part No. Description
event of an internal engine explosion, helping ALL25970 4150 1-3/4" Bore Bottom View
to prevent costly supercharger and body ALL25972 4500 2" Bore
damage. Panel meets SFI 23.1 specifications ALL26313 ALL25973. 4500 2-1/8" Bore
and is commonly used on supercharged,
alcohol injected engines mounting directly to the intake manifold
or supercharger (screw type only). Outer frame deflectors will Carb Stand ALL26200
direct force away from car. Aluminum stand simplifies carb mainte-
nance and will hold carb off of work bench
Part No. Description
ALL26310 Burst Panel, Large (3-1/8" x 6-1/8") surface. Works with Edelbrock, Quadrajet,
ALL26311 Outer Burst Panel Frame and Holley 2- and 4-barrel carbs
ALL26314 Outer Burst Panel Frame With Deflector (except 4500 series).
ALL26313 Inner Burst Panel Frame
(Used when manifold has an open plenum without burst panel support)
ALL26315 Fastener Kit 10-24 x 3/4", 24-Pack
(For use with panel and outer frame or deflector.)
ALL26316 Fastener Kit 10-24 x 1", 24-Pack
(For use with panel, inner frame and outer frame or deflector.) Throttle Return Spring Brackets
Billet aluminum bracket can be used
Drag Hi-Flow with cable or mechanical linkage. Bracket
Carburetor Spacers fastens to carb mounting studs and ALL54201
Specially designed for drag race includes dual stainless steel return
applications to isolate carburetor springs which are adjustable
from manifold, spacers prevent for tension. A specially designed
horsepower-robbing heat transfer return spring arm attaches to the carb for simplified installation
and increase the distance from and smooth operation. Low profile design clears most air cleaner
the bottom of the carburetor to assemblies.
the manifold plenum for better air flow. Carb Size Clear Black
Spacers are CNC-machined in the U.S. from a 4150/Edelbrock ALL54200 ALL54202
polymer compound able to withstand temperatures 4500 ALL54201 ALL54203
up to 400°F. Available in open or four hole versions for 4150 and Note: Longer carburetor studs will be required to accommodate bracket.
4500 series Holley and Holley style carburetors in 1/2", 1" and 2"
thicknesses. Tapered four-hole spacers have specially contoured Adjustable Throttle Brackets
holes to increase air velocity under the carburetor. Not intended or With Return Springs
recommended for street or circle track use.
Billet aluminum throttle bracket
Part No. Description Part No. Description ALL54211
4150 Series 4500 Series securely mounts and holds
ALL25980 Open, 1/2" ALL25990 Open, 1/2" throttle cable in place. Brack-
ALL25981 Open, 1" ALL25991 Open, 1" et fastens to carb mounting
ALL25982 Open, 2" ALL25992 Open, 2" studs and includes dual
ALL25983 4-Hole, 1/2" ALL25993 4-Hole, 1/2" stainless steel return springs which are adjustable for tension. Spe-
ALL25984 4-Hole, 1" ALL25994 4-Hole, 1" cially designed return spring arm attaches to the carb for simple
ALL25985 4-Hole, 2" ALL25995 4-Hole, 2" installation and smooth operation. Low profile design clears most
ALL25986 Tapered 4-Hole, 1" ALL25996 Tapered 4-Hole, 1" air cleaner assemblies. Optional transmission kickdown brackets
ALL25987 Tapered 4-Hole, 2" ALL25997 Tapered 4-Hole, 2" mount to the underside of throttle cable brackets.
Carb Size Cable Style Clear Black
Carburetor Gaskets 4150/Edelbrock GM ALL54210 ALL54211
4150/Edelbrock Lokar ALL54214 ALL54215
4150/Edelbrock Morse ALL54218 ALL54219
Part No. Description
ALL87200 4150 Open 4150/Edelbrock Ford ALL54222 ALL54223
ALL87202 4150 4-Hole 4150/Edelbrock Mopar ALL54224 ALL54225
ALL87204 4412 2-Hole, 2BBL 4500 GM ALL54226 ALL54227
ALL87206 4500 Open, Dominator 4500 Lokar ALL54230 ALL54231
4500 Morse ALL54234 ALL54235
4500 Ford ALL54238 ALL54239
4500 Mopar ALL54240 ALL54241
Note: Longer carburetor studs will be required to accommodate bracket.