Page 656 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Drag Racing Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 656
Heavy Duty Pro Series Forged Billet Dynalite Calipers
Rear Axle Disc Brake Kits The base model of Wilwood’s bolt-on disc
The superior clamping force of billet brake kits. Extensive testing has shown
Dynalite four-piston calipers combined that the strength of forged billet yields a
with vented iron alloy competition rotors more effi cient caliper requiring less pedal
provides braking power for heavy drag travel. SRS stainless steel bridge plates pre-
cars. Each kit includes calipers, rotors, vent wear and pad rattle. May be mounted in front,
aluminum brake hats, brake pads, alumi- rear, right or left position.
num caliper brackets, and hardware. See Piston Rotor Bleed Screw Square Ring Body
the diagram below to determine proper application and offset. Part No. Dia. Thk. Kit 4-Pc. Kit 4-Pc. Seal
WIL120-6804 1.38" 1.25" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2658 WIL210-2582
Standard Kit With WIL120-6805 1.38" 1.00" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2658 WIL210-2582
Description Kit Drilled Rotors WIL120-6806 1.38" .810" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2658 WIL210-2582
12-Bolt Chevy, Stock C-Clip Only, 2.91" †† †† WIL120-6808 1.38" .380" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2658 WIL210-2582
Offset WIL140-2112-B WIL140-2112-BD WIL120-6811 1.62" .810" WIL220-0627 WIL130-4346 WIL210-2582
Small Bearing Ford 9", 2.66" Offset WIL140-2113-B WIL140-2113-BD WIL120-6814 1.75" 1.25" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
Big Bearing Ford 9", 2.54" Offset WIL140-2114-B — WIL120-6815 1.75" 1.00" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
Big Bearing Ford 9", 2.36" Offset WIL140-2115-B WIL140-2115-BD WIL120-6816 1.75" .810" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
Mopar/Dana, Green Bearing Only, 2.72" WIL140-2116-B — WIL120-6818 1.75" .380" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
Mopar/Dana, Green Bearing Only, 2.36"
Offset WIL140-2117-B — Dynalite Single Floater Caliper
Big Bearing Ford 9", New Style, WIL140-2118-B WIL140-2118-BD Single piston, low profi le billet aluminum cali-
2.50" Offset per fi ts in tight situations where opposed piston
Ford Mustang 8.8" W/O ABS, 5-Lug, 2.50" caliper may not. Black anodized caliper weighs
Offset WIL140-3018-B — just 1.4 lbs.
12-Bolt Chevy, C-Clip Eliminator, 2.91" WIL140-5236-B †† WIL140-5236-BD ††
Offset Piston Rotor Square Ring Kit Bleed Screw Kit Cotter Pin
†† Also fits some GM 10-bolt rear housings found in other GM cars. Kit Part No. Dia. Thk. 4-Pc. 4-Pc. 10-Pc.
will not fit large bearing housings used in full size GM cars or trucks. WIL120-3277 1.75" .38" WIL130-2655 WIL220-0627 WIL180-0054
DynaPro Forged Billet Calipers
Lug mount, DynaPro (DP) calipers
combine existing race technology with
added performance enhancements. Rigid
calipers are forged from premium billet
aluminum and are engineered to deliver exceptional braking.
Quick-E-Clip pad retainers allow easy pad service. Use 7812 type
pads. “SI” signifi es side inlet.
Piston Rotor Bleed Screw Sq. Ring Body
Part No. Dia. Thickness Kit 4-Pc. Kit 4-Pc. Seal
WIL120-9691 1.75" 1.25" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
WIL120-9692 1.75" 1.00" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
WIL120-9693 1.75" .810" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
WIL120-9693-SI 1.75" .810" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
WIL120-9695 1.75" .380" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
WIL120-9703 1.38" .810" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2658 WIL210-2582
DynaPro Single Billet Calipers
Diagram A
Two piston calipers are rigid, yet lightweight
and offer superior braking power. DynaPro
Housing Flange Chart, Diagram A (DPS) calipers include multiple bleed fi ttings to
To order the proper Wilwood rear disc brake kit, check the allow right or left, front or rear mounting, and may be used with
following mea sure ments on rear end as sem bly and refer to the .190" or .380" thick rotors. Quick-E-Clip pad retainers allow
accompanying diagrams to determine the exact housing fl ange quick, easy brake pad service. Use 6812 type pads.
and axle fl ange-to-housing fl ange di men sions. Piston Rotor Bleed Screw Sq. Ring Body
1. Outside bearing diameter (Diagram A). Part No. Dia. Thickness Kit 4-Pc. Kit 4-Pc. Seal
WIL120-9689 1.75" .380" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
2. Housing flange mounting pattern (Diagram A).
WIL120-9689-LP 1.75" .190" WIL220-0627 WIL130-2655 WIL210-2582
3. Stud pattern and bolt circle on axle flange.
4. Determining Axle Offset - Ford 9" and Dana rear axles, in particular, have Billet Spot Caliper
used varying axle to housing flange offsets over the years. This is the reason
it is very important that this measurement is accurate when ordering rear Single 1.75" piston billet spot caliper is for
disc brake kits for these applications. Use the drawing in the lower middle of light duty. Floating, 1.2 lb. black anodized
Diagram A to correctly measure this dimension. caliper holds a round, .25" thick, .7 cubic inch
Very Important: Custom built or narrowed rear end housing may be brake pad and accommodates rotors from 6.00"
equipped with a different make or style of hous ing flange. Be sure to order to 13.00" diameter and widths beginning at .12".
the mounting kit to fit the housing flange, not necessarily the make of the
rear end. Example: Big Ford housing with Olds flange requires an Olds/ Piston Rotor O-Ring Bleed Screw Kit Pad Retainer
Pontiac Disc Brake Kit. Part No. Dia. Thk. Kit 4-Pc. 4-Pc. Screw (Ea.)
WIL120-1064 1.75" .12"-.38" WIL130-0047 WIL220-0627 WIL230-1112