Page 314 - 2018 Racecar Engineering Engine Parts and Accessories Catalog
P. 314


               Dual Plane Intakes (Cont.)

               Chevrolet Small Block                                                                          EDE2104

                 Part No.         Description         RPM Range    EGR    Dimensions     Carb Pattern     Finish
                 WEI8120P     Action Plus New Design   Idle-5500   No    A: 3.50", B: 4.00"  Both         Polished
                 WEI8125         Street Warrior        Idle-5500   No    A: 3.50", B: 4.50"  Both         Natural
                 WEI8150       Stealth New Design      Idle-6800   No    A: 4.18", B: 4.50"  Square       Natural
                 WEI8150P      Stealth New Design      Idle-6800   No    A: 4.18", B: 4.50"  Square       Polished
                 WEI8501         Stealth Airstrike     Idle-6800   No         —            Square         Natural
                For 1987-95 Chevrolet Small Block
                 EDE2104           Performer           Idle-5500   No    A: 3.50", B: 4.60"  Spread Bore  Natural
                                Marine Performer
                 EDE2506                              1500-6500    No    A: 4.20", B: 5.25"  Both         Natural
                               RPM, 1987-95 Heads
                 EDE2604        Performer Air-Gap      Idle-5500   No    A: 3.72", B: 4.92"  Both         Natural
                 EDE3706           Performer           Idle-5500   Yes   A: 3.50", B: 4.60"  Spread Bore  Natural
                 WEI8126      1987- Up Street Warrior  Idle-5500   No    A: 3.50", B: 4.50"  Both         Natural
                Professional Products
                 PRP52001         Power Plus           Idle-5500   No       B: 4.05"     Spread Bore      Polished
                 PRP52000          Cyclone             Idle-5500   No       B: 4.20"        Both          Polished
                 PRP52020          Typhoon            1500-6500    No       B: 4.65"       Square         Polished
                 PRP52021          Typhoon            1500-6500    No       B: 4.65"       Square         Natural
                 PRP52025          Crosswind          1500-6500    No         —            Square         Polished
                 PRP52026          Crosswind          1500-6500    No         —            Square         Natural
                For 1996-Up With Vortec Heads
                 EDE2116        Performer Vortec       Idle-5500   No    A: 3.87", B: 5.28"  Spread bore  Natural
                              Marine Performer Vortec,
                 EDE2516                               Idle-5500   No    A: 3.87", B: 5.28"  Both         Natural
                              1996-Up, Vortec Heads
                 EDE2716       Performer EPS Vortec    Idle-5500   No    A: 3.96", B: 5.08"  Square       Natural
                 EDE7116      Performer RPM Vortec    1500-6500    No    A: 4.20", B: 5.25"  Square       Natural
                 EDE27164      Performer EPS Vortec    Idle-5500   No    A: 3.96", B: 5.08"  Square     Endurashine
                 EDE21164       Performer Vortec       Idle-5500   No    A: 3.87", B: 5.28"  Both       Endurashine
                 EDE7516       RPM Air-Gap Vortec     1500-6500    No    A: 4.20", B: 5.25"  Square       Natural
                 EDE75163      RPM Air-Gap Vortec     1500-6500    No    A: 4.20", B: 5.25"  Square        Black
                 EDE71163     Performer RPM Vortec    1500-6500    No    A: 4.20", B: 5.25"  Square        Black
                 EDE71164     Performer RPM Vortec    1500-6500    No    A: 4.20", B: 5.25"  Square     Endurashine
                 EDE75161      RPM  Air-Gap Vortec    1500-6500    No    A: 4.20", B: 5.25"  Square       Polished
                 EDE75164      RPM  Air-Gap Vortec    1500-6500    No    A-4.20", B-5.25"  Square       Endurashine

                                                      A,B Measurements

                                 2018 ENGINE BUILDER CATALOG                                                  313
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