Page 36 - Playbook Handbook
P. 36

              This is not a place to post your personal view on politics, etc. Try to remain neutral in all things. We want to create a safe place and reprieve for families of all backgrounds. This means to also refrain from posting about Holidays (Ex. Happy Columbus day! Happy Pride Month! Merry Christmas!). As a general rule, if it does not have to do with play, don't post about it.
Aim for 1-2 outings to share on social media a week to keep audience engaged and growing
Do not speak negativity about a business. If you had a poor experience, simply do not post about it and reach out to the business directly when necessary to kindly express your concerns.
Check Direct Messages (DMs) regularly and respond within 24 hours if possible. It is highly recommended you set business hours each week to give you time to respond to emails and messages, draft future posts, and upload new content to the website without getting overwhelmed.
    s E Ve I T I Sn O i P l P E Ee K ,d D N i I K Eu B G

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