Page 3 - SAMPLE The Boy Who Met a Whale
P. 3

 it to the people of Serendib, from whom it was stolen many years before. But the men pursue him, and when they (right- ly) suspect Razi of helping the boy, they make violent threats against them both.
Shifa, Razi’s sister, comes looking for him and takes a no-non- sense approach to it all – they make an incomprehensible copy of the map, intending to give it to the men to avoid being duffed up, and keep the original so they can go and look for the dagger themselves. But the men come back and kidnap Zheng and head off in a boat. So Razi and Shifa ‘borrow’ a boat, Razi gets into a fight with the man who has taken over his father’s fishing spot and slaps him round the face with a fish, then they head out to rescue Zheng and find the treasure. They have an amazing encounter with a pod of whales and seem to develop a special connection with one of them. (This special connection will come in very handy later on in their journey.)
While they are pursuing the men, a storm drives them on to an island and maroons them there; there is a very real risk that the island will be submerged and they will drown. But while they’re there, they find Zheng, who escaped the men and washed up on shore.The three children work out where the Dagger is buried and dig it up. Unfortunately, the men
find them and try to finish them off, but they grab the dagger and escape. Until they are tipped over during a fight with the pursuing baddies and Razi is lost. Shifa and Zheng make it back to shore, desperately worried about Razi.
They are rescued by a fisherman and taken back to Serendib. While they are trying to hide the dagger, they are discovered by locals and chased by the cook and the first mate.Then
they see Razi! He tells them a very strange story about being carried in the mouth of a whale to the beach and saved.The children come up with a plan to trap the bad men and after an

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