Page 4 - 11.15.20 Bulletin
P. 4
*Hymn of Response Precious Name
IOHUMC Installs Cleaning System • Effective In-person: You can pick-up an ornament with a
Take the name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow and of woe; November 2nd, A.S.R.S., Inc. (our HVAC vendor) child’s name on it from the display table at our
It will joy and comfort give you; take it then, where’er you go. has completed the installation of air cleaning drive-thru Wednesday Night Supper or at worship
Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven. devices in all IOHUMC properties (i.e. the services on Sundays. Purchase a $10-$30 gift for
Precious name, O how sweet! Hope of earth and joy of heaven. Sanctuary, the main building complex, the Green your child and return it to the church by December
9th, unwrapped with the ornament attached.
House and the Cornus Cottage). The bipolar
Take the name of Jesus ever, as a shield from every snare; ionization devices have been proven to actively Online: Visit our website (
If temptations round you gather, breathe that holy name in prayer. kill or inactivate microorganisms and pathogens to choose the age and gender of a child and see
Precious name, . . . (including SARS-CoV-2, Norovirus, Human some gift ideas (see Amazon wishlist below).
Coronavirus, Legionella, MRSA, Staphylococcus Due to privacy concerns, children’s names will
not be listed online so a child will be assigned to
O the precious name of Jesus! How it thrills our souls with joy, and E. Coli). While this will not ensure complete you upon completing the online form. You will
When his loving arms receive us, and his songs our tongues employ! elimination of any microorganism or pathogen, it have an option to ship the gift to the church if you
Precious name, . . . does reduce the active rate of these by over 90 %. purchase via our Amazon wishlist. If you choose
to ship it to your home, please bring the gift with
your own name on it so we can match it with the
At the name of Jesus bowing, falling prostrate at his feet, Due to the current COVID health crisis, many child you have been assigned.
King of kings in heaven we’ll crown him, when our journey is complete. schools (including Savannah Country Day and
Precious name, . . . BC, locally), offices and hospitals have installed If you have any questions, please contact our
bipolar ionization devices to reduce the levels of Minister of Missions, Shannon Baxter (sbaxter@
pathogens and microorganisms in their facilities.
*Benediction Rev. Scott Tucker While this adds to the safety of all concerned, it
Dismissal DOES NOT eliminate reasonable health practices eLearning Academy • Isle of Hope strives to
like social distancing, wearing a mask and hand minister to families in need in our community
washing/sanitizing. through academic support. We offer 2 groups on
our church campus that accommodate students
We are indebted to Michael and Karen Lemack, Monday - Friday from 8:30am-2:30pm. We have
Drop boxes are placed at the exits for your tithes and offerings. fellow church members and owners of A.S.R.S., a few spots open in our 3rd - 5th grade group. Do
you know a student who could benefit from our
for the prompt installation of the devices and for
*Please stand as you are able † Ushers seat those waiting their generous contribution toward the overall eLearning Academy at IOHUMC? Cost is $25 per
To assist you in worship, hearing devices are available for your use. Please ask an usher for assistance and remember to cost of this project. week to cover cleaning and extra school supplies.
turn off all cellular devices. If you are interested or want more information,
During our 10:15 a.m. service, we will be recording and broadcasting via Facebook & YouTube live each Sunday. please contact Kristen Tillman at ktillman@
Wesley Community Center Angel Tree • Join
us in making Christmas a joyful time for families
associated with our local United Methodist UMW Thanksgiving Bags • All bags have been
organization, Wesley Community Center! Each picked up! Please return them to the Good News
year, our congregation helps them by providing Classroom by next Thursday, November 19th.
gifts for children who participate in their daycare Donations for the turkeys may be made in cash
programs. Due to the pandemic, we have created or by check (payable to IOHUMC UMW). Please
two ways for you to shop. use the envelopes provided with each bag and turn
them in to the church office.