Page 15 - SUM1623_Calendar_122018-F_Neat
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SU  MO  TU  WE  TH  FR  SA  SU    MO           TU            WE            TH            FR            SA

 Red, White & Blue   Sushi Saturday                                                               Sushi Saturday, 5pm
 Summit   5pm                                                                                     Family Movie
 4pm                28            29            30             31               1            2    Night, 6:30pm  3
 30  1  2  3  4  5  6                                                                             Back to School Party

                       4             5             6             7             8             9          10
 7  8  9  10  11  12  13
              Sunday Supper
              5pm                                                                                 Sushi Saturday
 Sunday Supper   Gourmet Culinary   Sushi Saturday
 5pm  Workshop    5pm
 2pm                  11           12            13            14            15           16             17
 14  15  16  Pedi’s & Pjs  17  18  19  20
                                                        Gourmet Culinary            Pizza Party, 5pm  Cross Country Golf
    Pizza Party                                         Workshop
 5pm                                                                                T-Mobile: George Strait   T-Mobile: George Strait
 21  22  23  24  25  26  27  18    19           20             21           22            23            24
              Sunday Supper                                                                       Sushi Saturday
 Sunday Supper   5pm                                                                              5pm
 28  29  30  31  1  2  3  25      26            27            28           29            30              31

                                                                 Gourmet Culinary Workshop
 Red, White & Blue Summit  Sunday Suppers  Family Movie Night – Coco  August 21st, 2pm
 July 4th, 4pm  July 14th & 28th, seating from 5pm $  August 3rd, 6:30pm  Join Executive Chef Geno as
 Come run away to The Summit carnival!   Join us at the Practice Facility for   he showcases his premiere
 Cotton candy, snow cones, funnel cake and   Gourmet Culinary Workshop  family movie night featuring Coco. All   and inspirational culinary
 more. It’s time to celebrate with live music,   July 17th, 2pm  encouraged to dress up and enjoy our   skills and techniques.
 dancing and fireworks. Enjoy a fantastic   Join Executive Chef Geno as he showcases his   Summit Day of the Dead.  Cross Country Golf
 private party for Members and guests. $  premiere and inspirational culinary skills and   August 24th
 techniques. Whether you are a novice in the kitchen
 or a skilled foodie, Chef Geno shares his knowledge             Mix and match the tees and
 and expertise to assist all levels of culinary skill. $  Sushi Saturday   greens to create interesting
                                                                 holes with lots of obstacles
 Pedi’s & Pjs  August 3rd, 17th & 31st, seating from 5pm ($)     along the way. Everyone tees
 Sushi Saturday   July 17th, 2pm                                 off on hole #1 together with
 July 6th & 20th, seating from 5pm  Back to School Party         each hole the highest score
 This is how we roll! Show-  Pizza Party  August 10th, 10am–1pm  will be eliminated. After 18
 casing the finest fresh fish   July 26th, 5pm  It’s time for one last hurrah before the new school   holes one player reigns in the
 from Tokyo, Japan, Chef   “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that’s amore!”  year starts. It’s time to glove up and enjoy kid’s   victory!
 Kaz will be featuring his lat-  Create your own pizza pie! It’s time to get creative    bouncy-boxing, laser tag and an intense kid’s
 est  Summit sushi rolls  and   with the sauces and toppings at the Golf House.    obstacle course. $  T-MOBILE ARENA
 sashimi at The Summit Golf   Watch as your masterpieces come to life in our   Sunday Suppers  George Strait
 House. $   gourmet pizza oven. $  August 11th & 25th, seating from 5pm $  August 23rd & 24th, 8pm ($)

 For additional event information, please contact    JULY 2019  For additional event information, please contact    AUGUST 2019
 Member Services at  Member Services at

 $ Indicates Fee for Event  $ Indicates Fee for Event
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20