Page 29 - S&S Worldwide 2019 Primelife Catalog
P. 29

Activity Therapy             "They all love to join in!"

                   ®                                                   ®

                  Familiar                                           NEW! Retro
            Faces Bingo                                        TV Bingo
            Game .                                             Game .  Reminisce
              Perfect for sparking                             about familiar
            conversations                                      TV personalities
            about the golden                                   and story lines of
            age of movies and                                  the past! This set
            entertainment, this                                features some of the
            set features some                                  most beloved and
            of the most beloved                                familiar characters
            and familiar faces                                 your residents will
            your residents will                                love to walk down
            enjoy walking down                                 memory lane with.
            memory lane with.                                  Set includes 12
            Set includes 12                                    diff erent jumbo
            diff erent jumbo                                    (9-1/2" x 13") bingo
            (9-1/2” x 13”) bingo                               boards that each
            boards that each                                   feature 9 assorted
            feature 9 assorted                                 black and white
            “Familiar Faces”, a jumbo (5” x 7-1/4”) deck of 52 calling cards that each feature a   “Retro TV Images”, a jumbo (5" x 7-1/4") deck of 52 calling cards that feature TV
            “Familiar Face” and name on one side and regular face playing cards on the other.   shows and names on one side and then regular face playing cards on the other.
            Also includes an instruction sheet and storage box. Bingo chips sold separately.       Also includes an instruction sheet and storage box. Bingo chips sold separately.
                  HMZ-19022        List $21.14 each.                 HMZ-19390          $17.99 each.
                      SALE  $17.99 each.                                   $15.99 each, 6+.
                            $15.99 each, 6+.        SALE!

                                                                                                Each game
                                                                                               includes 16
                                                                                               bingo cards!
                                                                                               Adult Bingo Games .
                                                                                           Get to the bottom of clients’ thoughts
                                                                                         and feelings on important topics
                                                                                         related to their well being, in a game
                                                                                         format that helps break the ice! Each of
                                                                                         these therapeutic new games contains
                                                                                         16 laminated Bingo cards, 75 calling
                                                                                         cards, Bingo chips and facilitator’s
                                                                                         instruction sheet with reproducible
                                                                                         handouts that you can use in clinics or
                                                                                         group sessions. Healthy competition
                                                                                         and fun make these new games
                                                                                         sure winners.
                                                                                               HMZ-18270     Stress
                                                                                                   HMZ-18271     Anger
                                                                                                   HMZ-18272     Self-Esteem
                                                                                                   HMZ-18274     Social Skills
                                                                                               NEW!   HMZ-19417
                                                                                         Healthy Aging Bingo
                Best                                                                       $48.99 each.
               Seller                        PO•KE•NO  Games .                             $42.99 each, 6+.
                                         Jumbo 7" x 9-1/2" game boards make
                                       play easier for clients! Like Bingo,                             Playing Card
                                       players cover the cards on their        ®                  Bingo Game .
                                       boards to fi nish lines, four corners                         Just fl ip over a card,
                                       or cover all. Each game includes 12                        match the image to
                                       jumbo boards, 200 plastic chips and                        one of the bingo cards
                                       instructions. Buy them both and up                         and use it as the bingo
                                       to 24 people can play!                                     marker! Includes 2 card
                                             HMZ-17020                                            decks, 6 spill-resistant
                                       Original PO•KE•NO                                          9-1/2" x 13" bingo
                                                 HMZ-18075     PO•KE•NO Too                       cards and rules. For 1
                                                                                                  to 6 players.
                                         List $18.79 each.
                                         SALE  $15.99 each.   SALE                                      HMZ-W9434
                                             $14.49 each, 6+.                                     $10.99 each.
            28                       CHOKING HAZARD - (1,2) Not for children under (3) years. See page 3 for details.
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