Page 4 - S&S Worldwide 2019 Primelife Catalog
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The          Diff  erence – How We Make It Easy!

            Customers Trust                                                                               24-83

            our Expertise

            For over 110 years, S&S has been providing                                                   Cognitive
            our customers exceptional service.                                                           Therapy
            Customers trust our Product Specialists to                                                    84-123
            fi nd solutions for their programs. It's why they
            come back to S&S year after year.      Dedicated people helping customers fi nd real solutions!
            Special Pricing is Just a Phone Call Away                                                   Diagnostic
            Need special pricing on a large order? Call one of our quote specialists                     124-127
            today at 1-800-243-9232 X4800.

            Everyday Low Prices, Guaranteed.                                                            Novelties,

            Shop with confi dence. We're committed to off ering the best price available.                  Holidays
                                                                                                         & More
            If you fi nd a lower price, let us know so we can match it!
            Every year we work hard to maintain our low prices to help you stretch your   Speak with our Product   128-143
            budget.  This year seems diff erent, and if there are global factors beyond our   Specialists about
            control we may need to adjust prices accordingly.  Please check the website   making your program
            for the most up-to-date pricing.                                   super successful!        Movement
            Your Success is our Priority                                                                 144-161

           ✓  One-on-one personalized service – we get to know your business and your needs!
           ✓  Quick, easy ordering options through phone, fax, or Internet
           ✓  Most stock orders ship out the same day!                                                   Physical
           ✓  Hassle-free returns
           ✓  Thousands of FREE resources at                                     162-167
               Automatic                                                  Automatic FREE STANDARD      Therapeutic
                   Free                 orders  $    25                   SHIPPING in the Contiguous     168-227
                                                                          48 states when you order
                                                                          $25 or more, no off er code
             Shipping                    o                                needed. For additional terms
                                                                          and conditions see order
                                                                          form. Items indicated by
                                                                          brown truck icon (        )   Arts &  Craft
                                                                          are excluded.                  Supplies
             M        k  d    hi     d
             Most in-stock orders ship same day.i
             Keeping kids safe. Nothing is more important than their safety!             California Proposition 65
                                                                                         We are committed to keeping you
                                                                                         safe. For up-to-date information
                         1)  CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.   on what products are covered
             CHOKING     2)  CHOKING HAZARD - This toy is/contains a small ball. Not for children under 3 yrs.  by Prop 65, visit and
                                                                                         applicable information will be
             HAZARD      3)  CHOKING HAZARD - This toy is/contains a marble. Not for children under 3 yrs.  posted under the Product Details
                         4)  CHOKING HAZARD - Children under 8 yrs. can choke or suff ocate on uninfl ated or broken balloons.
             Warnings:     Adult supervision required. Keep uninfl ated balloons from children. Discard broken balloons at once.  tab for products aff ected.
            © 2019 S&S ®  Worldwide. All rights reserved. Many of the designs in this catalog have been created by, and are the exclusive property of S&S ®  Worldwide, and cannot be reproduced   3 3
            under penalty of law. S&S  is not responsible for typographical errors in this catalog.
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