Page 17 - Tennessee Teen Volunteer Judge's Book 2022
P. 17
What can you do during your Tenure of Service as a Titleholder to impact your community? I decided to compete in the Teen Volunteer Program because I want to inspire others to go after their dreams despite the obstacles they face. I also want to use this platform to raise awareness for rare skin conditions because I want others like myself to be confident about themselves despite ichthyosis. I feel that if more people were aware of these conditions, the world would be a nicer place for those with rare conditions to thrive. During my tenure of service I would be a voice of inspiration and encouragement for my platform and the Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer Program.
What has been your involvement with your platform? As the creator of Beauty In Our Differences, I have hosted 2 different performance style fundraisers that involved some of my friends from across the country who are also affected by ichthyosis. I recently hosted a fundraiser pageant. All 3 of these fundraisers were intended to raise awareness for ichthyosis and to also raise funds for FIRST. (The Foundation for Ichthyosis and Related Skin Types.) I have also had the opportunity to read stories about children with visible differences at a local library and a local elementary school.
What inspired you to first become involved in your platform? I chose Beauty In Our Differences as my platform because it’s something I believe in deeply and a campaign I am on to show that what makes us different makes us beautiful. Born with a variety of things that make me different, from my long beautiful wig to my skin condition and scoliosis, I have learned to look in the mirror and love what I see and who I am! I have always strived to be a good example for my peers and to stand up for those who have visible differences like myself. I feel like it is important for all of us to see the beauty in our differences. We all have things that are different about us. However, some of us are able to hide those differences better than others. I hope to inspire my peers to begin to see beyond our differences so that we can all be who we were created to be.
If you are selected as the winner, how would you mobilize and market your platform nationally? I recently made up an inspiration card to hand out to my peers. The card features a picture of me with my hair and makeup done professionally, a picture of me natural with just my wig, and a picture of me natural without my wig. Handing these out to my peers during appearances is one way I plan to market my platform. I also plan to continue reading at schools and local libraries to inspire others to look for the beauty in their own differences and the differences of others.
How would you utilize social media in order to positively further your position as a titleholder if you are selected as the winner? Social media is a great way to reach a larger audience and share my journey. I enjoy posting about the things I’m up to on my Instagram page. I hope to continue to inspire my peers through my positive outlook on life through social media.