Page 2 - Tennessee Teen Volunteer Judge's Book 2022
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  Name: Emma Lynn Brewer
Instagram Handle: @missemmabrewer
Age: 17
Platform Title: “Dream It Possible”
Talent: Flute/ “Can’t Help Falling In Love”
Education: Henry County High School/ Senior
Education & Professional Objective: Attend Lincoln Tech University Nashville, and obtain my certification in welding to become a welder.
Honors & Achievements: Awarded a full ride scholarship to Lincoln Tech University Nashville; OSHA-10 certified; CPR certified; Gold Sneaker Initiative certified; Before You Begin: New Educator certified; Helping Child Development certified; MyPlate identification certified; Emergency Preparedness certified; Recognizing and Reporting Suspected Child Abuse certified; Building Classroom Safety certified; Essentials of Outdoor Safety certified; Food Allergies identification certified; Administering Medication in Child Care Settings certified; Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Safety Risks for Infants identification certified; Infectious Disease Control certified; Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma identification certification; Henry County Fair All-Star Ham Curing; Selected for Ag Leadership; 4-H Honor Club; Ranked 2nd in the state in Horse Bowl and Hippology; 4-H Food Plot state champion and 2nd in the nation; Selected to perform at Murray State University Exhibition Concert; Soloist for The Henry County High School Marching Patriots 2021 Field Show.
Leadership Positions: FFA Upper Skills team; FFA Forestry Team; FFA Lower Skills Team; Volunteer with Henry County Food Drive; Volunteer with the Henry County High School Construct #1 Class; Band member mentor for HCHS band; Member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Director of Rock On; Ages 0-12 Early Childhood Development Teacher.
Employment Experience: Mrs. Nicki’s Learning Cottage (early childhood development center)
Special Skills & Activities: My favorite pastime is archery and I love to go bow hunting. I can weld and make furniture. I fix my truck and do all the maintenance work. I have my own decal business. I create handmade leather jewelry. I cure hams and once had one to sell in competition for $900.00. I make personalized t-shirts and bleached shirts which I sell and donate the profit to

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