Page 38 - Tennessee Teen Volunteer Judge's Book 2022
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  Name: Jolee Morgan
Title: Miss Carroll County Teen Volunteer
Instagram Handle:@missccteen
Age: 16
Platform Title: Everyone “CAN” Make a Difference
Talent: Acrobatic-Jazz Dance: “River Deep, Mountain High”
Education: Gibson County High School Dyer, TN
Education & Professional Objective: Doctorate’s Degree in Communication Disorders: Speech-Language Pathology
Honors & Achievements: 4.0 GPA; 4.2 weighted GPA; All “A” Gold Honor Roll; Valedictorian of 8th Grade Class; Academic Presidential Award; Principal’s Citizenship Award; Band Director’s Recognition Award; Academic Mastery Awards: Honors Physical Science, Computer Applications, and World History and Geography; Initiated into Beta Club; Overall High Scoring Awards in Dance; Achievements in surpassing all 4 ACT-Benchmarks; Selected to compete in the University of Tennessee at Martin’s Math Contest; Color Guard placed 2nd in the at State Band Competition; Selected by peers to represent 9th and 10th grades for homecoming; 4-H Speech Winner; County Fair Overall Youth Award for Acrylic Painting
Leadership Positions: Preschool Teacher Assistant; Dance Teacher Assistant/Ambassador; School Color Guard Leader; SADD member; Beta Club member; Church Teen Volunteer in Community; Implemented Food Drive for Backpack Program; Underclassmen Tutor; Cheer Captain- Middle School
Employment Experience: N/A
Special Skills & Activities: Dance 11 years; Competitive Dancer 9 years; Color Guard member 7 years; School Cheerleader 6 years; Enjoy painting and drawing landscapes; Pep Club; Walking on my hands for 50 feet; Recently marched in the 2022 Rose Bowl Parade and Band Fest in Pasadena, California

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