Page 49 - Tennessee Teen Volunteer Judge's Book 2022
P. 49
Instagram Handle: Age:
Platform Title:
Education: Professional Objective:
Gracie Wilkinson
Miss Mid-South Fair Teen Volunteer 2022
S.P.A.R.K. -- (Scholarships Participation Advocacy Recognition Knowledge) --Ignite the Arts
Lyrical Dance “Tiny Dancer” Hutchison School, Memphis, TN
To pursue a medical degree with a specialty so I can become a Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon.
Honors & Achievements: National Junior Honor Society; MVP- Hutchison Varsity Dance Team; 15 Time Finalist-Mid-South Fair Junior & Senior Youth Talent Competition (one of the largest amateur talent competitions in the country); Third Sweepstakes-Mid-South Fair Youth Talent Competition; Made history by being the youngest performer to be awarded first place in the Delta’s Fair’s “Dancing Stars” competition and the first dancer to win three consecutive years; Awarded a $500 scholarship to Rhythmic Souls Tap Company’s “CONNECT” program; Celebrity Guest-“Night to Shine;” Global Civic Engagement Project School Representative.
Leadership Positions: Co-Founder of “Teens Serve the City” Club; Hutchison Peer Council; Hutchison Crest Society; Class Communications Officer; Lead Organizer-Wilson Society Project; Pawsitive Change; Group Leader-Model United Nations.
Employment Experience: I assist with teaching the three-year-old dance classes at my studio to contribute to my dance tuition and costume payments!
Special Skills & Activities: Varsity Dance Team; MUS Varsity Cheer Team; Varsity Track Team; Studio Dance; Gymnastics; Studied voice since the age of 7; Fashion and Design Club; Joy Club; Studied dance since the age of 2; Student Life Club; Government Club.
What can you do during your Tenure of Service as a Titleholder to impact your community?
The first area of business that I would like to address as Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer would be the decrease of funding for arts education. In 2021, total U.S. legislative appropriations for art education dropped 17.9% from that of 2020. I am extremely passionate about advocating for art education, and I would like to lobby to the Tennessee State Legislature as Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer. Additionally, I would like to expand my dance supplies donation drive statewide. There are so many talented dancers and artists across our state that should not be held back due to financial struggles. I know I cannot solve everyone’s financial hardships, but I can at least try to lessen the burden by providing leotards, tights, and shoes for these dancers. Finally, I plan to host multiple statewide talent contests to raise money for various arts camps across the state. I have been so fortunate to receive the training that I have over the years, and I recognize how beneficial these theater camps and dance intensives are for young artists. There are opportunities for training all over our state, and I would like to identify the areas most in need. I’d love to provide scholarships for as many young artists in Tennessee as I can! I also know that my service work as Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer cannot stop with my platform. I recognize the fact that my platform targets a specific group, but as Miss Tennessee Teen Volunteer, I am not going to limit my outreach to just artists. I take any opportunity I can to get involved in my community, and I love to participate in fundraising and outreach events for various organizations across the state.