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               OUR PEOPLE                                 CHRISTINA TAN PHOAY LAY:
                                                          OUR BELOVED FAMILY MEDICINE SPECIALIST,
                OUR STORY                                 MEDICAL EDUCATOR AND LIFE-LONG LEARNER

                                                          TAN KAE YI
                                                          DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE

                  A  family  medicine  specialist,  a  medical   of  Objective  Structured  Clinical  Examination
            educator  and  a  life-long  learner,  these  are  the   (OSCE) at the University of Chicago, and on their
            various  roles  that  Professor  Dr.  Christina  Tan   return  they  embarked  on  developing  our  OSCEs
            Phoay Lay are always remembered of in the hearts   from  scratch.  OSCE  was  then  introduced  as  a
            of her colleagues and students. Professor Tan was   component  of  the  final  examinations  of  the
            originated  from  Georgetown,  and  obtained  her   undergraduate  medical  programme  (the  New
            medical  training  at  the  London  Hospital  Medical   Integrated Curriculum, which started in 1998), and
            College in Whitechapel, United Kingdom.
            College in Whitechapel, United Kingdom.            the   first   stationed-OSCE   was   conducted
                                                               successfully in 2003.
                  Professor  Tan  started  her  service  at  the
            Faculty of Medicine and the University Hospital as
            a  medical  lecturer  in  the  Department  of  Primary
            Care  Medicine.  Throughout  her  academic  career,       “Learning  how  to  reflect
            she  has  always  exhibited  additional  outstanding
            quality as a medical educator. Back then, teaching        is  a  final  important
            expertise  was  assumed  to  be  part  of  content        ingredient  in  this  recipe
            expertise. “These early learning experiences as a
            expe                                                         for lifelong learning”.
            lecturer demonstrate to me a need for teachers to
            learn how to teach first,” she said. Along the way,
            she noticed that the old-fashion “teacher-centred”            - Professor Christina Tan
            teaching  has  been  gradually  replaced  by  a  more
            “student-centred” learning. Thus, she took initiative
            to “re-learn” as a student and learn on the desire to
            p provide  optimum’s  care.  In  a  special  opportunity,         With  her  deepening  interest  in  medical
            she  was  awarded  an  International  Fellowship  in   education,  she  received  a  medical  education
            Medical  Education  by  the  U.S.-based  Education   fellowship with the U.S.-based Foundation for the
            Commission  for  Foreign  Medical  Graduates  in   Advancement  of  International  Medical  Education
            2000  that  allowed  her  to  spend  6  months  at  the   and Research (FAIMER) in 2005-2006. This was a
            University of New Mexico (UNM) in al Albuquerque,   life-changing   experience   providing   her   an
            New  Mexico,  which  was  well  known  in          opportunity to network internationally with health
            p problem-based  learning  (PBL)  circles.  On  her   pr professions  educators.  Her  interest  in  medical
            return, she pioneered the implementation of PBL in   education  led  to  further  pursuit  of  postgraduate
            the undergraduate medical curriculum in UM with    qualifications  in  health  professions  education
            Professor Dr. Nor Azila Mohd Adnan and Professor   culminating in a doctorate.
            Dr.  Debra  Sim  Si  Mui,  who  were  equally
            enthusiastic about medical education. Since then,         The  elements  that  have  contributed  to
            PBL  gained  more  support  and  continued  to     Professor Tan’s self-motivation or desire to learn
            blossom  in  today’s  new  curriculum  of  the
            blossom                                            include  the  passion  to  get  the  best  out  of  her
            University of Malaya Medical Programme (UMMP).     students,  wanting  to  have  a  sound  and  fair
                                                               assessment for them,  and having the strength and
                  Another factor that has been a driver in her   resilience  to  pursue  further  training  for  better
            desire to learn is to do with assessment. Teaching   patient  care.  Lastly,  she  shared  with  us  this
            and  learning  go  hand  in  hand  with  assessment.   ta take-home  message:  “Learning  how  to  reflect  is  a
            Together with the late Professor Dr. Rokiah Pendek,   final  important  ingredient  in  this  recipe  for  lifelong
            they were trained for the preparation and conduct    learning”.
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