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Worldwide attention has been drawn                £                                                   ORDERING
          to the importance of being prepared
          in the event of a polution incident,             COMPETITIVE              DISCOVERING
                                                                                    THE UNKNOWN
          whether it is on a construction site,
          factory floor or laboratory. At Hyde             The quality of our       Our advanced research
          Park Environmental, we have the                  products can only        team ensures that
          products to ensure that any adverse              be matched by the        our products are
                                                                                    developed with the
                                                           competitiveness of
          impact on the environment is avoided,            our prices!              latest technology.
          or at worst kept to a minimum.
          We provide compliance, efficiency and peace of                                               
          mind to the manufacturing industry, contruction
          industry and chemical industry through our
          extensive range of superior quality spill control
                                                           ENVIRONMENTALLY          ALWAYS LOOKING
          We continuously innovate to find, develop and    CONSCIOUS                FOR NEW WAYS
          produce solutions for the containment of liquid
          and hazardous substances, as well as protecting   Every product in our    We always look for
          the individuals working with these products.
                                                           range is environmentally   new and more
          We have a determination to learn and do things   friendly and safe        innovative solutions.
          better, and it is imperative that our products   to use.
          perform to the highest available standard.

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