Page 23 - Report on the National Lawyers Guild, legal bulwark of the Communist Party
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Mr. Silberstein's connections with the guild date from its earhest days. The files of the committee disclose that Mr. Silberstein is the signer of a public statement defending the Communist Party and that he has associated with such subversive organizations as the International Workers Order, Committee for Citizenship Rights, Lawyers Com- mittee on American Relations with Spain, and Progressive Committee to Rebuild the American Labor Party.
Clifford J. Durr, 1949 head of the guild, who has appeared before the Committee on Un-American Activities representing clients who declined to answer questions as to Communist affiliations on the gromids of self-incrimination, in August of 1948 attended the World Congress of Intellectuals for Peace behind the u-on curtain, at Wro- claw,Poland. InMayof1948,Duir,inaspeechbeforetheFedera- tion of American Scientists, charged that United States scientists are forced to "work in an atmosphere of corrosive fear." This was prior to the disclosure regarding the spying of the British atom spy, Klaus Fuchs.
Durr sponsored a committee to defeat the AIundt-Ferguson Com- munist control bill. He charges that the "loyahy program is above the Constitution."
Durr presently serves as a vice president of the guild.
The 1950 vice presidents of the National Lawyers Guild include the followmg other individuals with significant records of associations with Communist enterprises:
Osmond Fraenkel: Associated with Consumers National Federation, American Labor Party, National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners, American Student Union, Consumers Union, American League Against War and Fascism, New York Tom Mooney Committee, National Emergency Conference for Democratic Rights, International Juridical Association, National Committee for People's Rights, Medical Bureau and North American Committee To Aid Spanish Democracy, Greater New York Emergency Conference on Inalienable Rights, Film Audiences for Democracy, Films for Democ- racy, Coordinating Committee To Lift the Embargo, Citizens Com- mittee To Free Earl Browder, School for Democrac}^.
Louis F. McCahe: Associated with Philadelphia School of Social
Science and Art, National Federation for Constitutional Liberties,
Civil Rights Congress, American League for Peace and Democracy, Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, North American Committee To Aid Spanish Democracy, National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born, International Labor Defense, National Emergency Conference for Democratic Rights, International Juridical Association, American Student Union.
Bartley C. Crum: Associated with California Labor School, National Committee To Win the Peace, National Federation for Constitutional Liberties, Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Joint Anti- Fascist Refugee Committee, American-Russian Institute, American Slav Congress, American Youth for Democracy, American Committee for Spanish Freedom.
RichardGladstein:AssociatedwiththeCivilRightsCongress. Mr.
Gladstein sent Labor Day greetings to the People's Daily World, west coast organ of the Communist Party, in 1947, and sent Alay Day
greetings to the same subversive newspaper in the present year. Mr. Gladstein was one of the attorneys who were sentenced to jail