Page 24 - Report on the National Lawyers Guild, legal bulwark of the Communist Party
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for contempt of court as a result of their abusive attitudes while defending the 11 Communist leaders recently convicted in New York.
President Executive board members—Continued
CliflFord J. Durr, Washington, D. C. Detroit^—Continued Walter M. Nelson
Executive secretary
Robert J. Silberstein, Washington, D. C.
Nathan B. Kogan, New York City
Vice 'presidents
Patrick S. Nertney
Hon. Patrick H. O'Brien Nedwin L. Smokier Maurice Sugar
Hon. Henrv S. Sweeney G. Leslie Field
Los Angeles-Hollywood: Robert W. Kenny
Clore Warne
John T. McTernan George SlafF
Bartley C. Crum, San Francisco
Prof. Thomas I. Emerson, Yale Law Hope, Ark.: George Patrick Casey
Osmond K. Fraenke], New York City Mitchell Franklin, New Orleans
Elmer Gertz, Chicago
Charles H. Houston, Washington, D. C.
O. John Rogge, New York City
Hon. Ira W. Jayne, Detroit, presiding judge. Circuit Court, Wayne Countv, Mich
Daniel G. Marshall, Los Angeles Louis F. McCabe, Philadelphia Martin Popper, New York City
Executive board members
I. Duke Avnet
Donald Murray
Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Allan Heald
Paul G. Annes
Earl B. Dickerson Irving H. Flamm Solomon Jesmer Sidney A. Jones, Jr. John Ligtenberg David B. Rothstein George L. Siegel Euclid L. Tavlor Richard F. Watt Eugene Cotton Nelson Willia Harry L. Diehl
Cleveland :
Hon. Lewis Drucker Elsie Tarcai Herschel G. Holland Charles M. Goodwin Allen Madorski
Denver: Samuel D. Menin Detroit :
Alan N. Brown
Alvin Davenport James Montante
Houston, Tex.: Herman Wright Lima, Ohio: Elmer McClain New York City:
Benjamin Algase Leonard B. Boudin Louis Boudin
Joseph H. Crown
Hon. Hubert T. Delaney Bernard D. Fischman Albert C. Gilbert
Carol King
Leo J. Linder
Thurgood Marshall
Paul O'Dwyer Milton Paulson
Marian Wynn Perry Lee Pressman
Paul L. Ross
Harry Sacher
Hon. Nathan R. Sobel William L. Standard Abraham Unger Benedict WoLf
Arthur G. Silverman Philadelphia: Saul C. Waldbaum
Pittsburgh: Hyman Schlesinger St. Louis: Victor B. Harris
San Francisco:
J. Bruce Fratis
George G. Olshausen
Seattle: John Caughlan
Washington, D. C: George M. Johnson Donald M. Murtha David Rein
Herbert S. Thatcher Belford V. Lawson, Jr.
Boston: Arthur L. Brown Youngstown, Ohio: John F, Kicak Miami: Harold Tannen
Student division:
Martin Tucker, Cambridge Robert Silverstein, Chicago Samuel Rosenberg, New York City