Page 41 - Report on the National Lawyers Guild, legal bulwark of the Communist Party
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THE NATIONAL LAWYERS GUILD 35 10, Non-CommunistAffidavitintheTaft-HartleyAct
* * * it must be made clear that the anti-Communist clause in the Taft- Hartley Act is clearly intended to be used against every trade-union leader who is progressive and militant, whether he be a Communist or not. It is clearly unconstitutional and must also be chal- lenged on that basis, although the main fight must be made by the wokers and theunion (Portionofareportdelivered by John Williamson at the June 27-30, 1947, meeting of the National Com- mittee CP USA. Political Affairs, August 1947, p. 709).
national lawyers guild
We call for the immediate repeal of the Taft-Hartley Law with its infamous test oath (National Lawyers Guild Con- vention Resolution, February 1949; Lawyers Guild Review, vol. IX, No. 1, Winter 1949, p. 52).
The Communist Party is opposed to
both universal military training and the
peacetime draft. These proposals * * * are not required to defend our nation from any foreign threat * * * The proposal to militarize our youth goes hand in hand with steps toward the militarization of the nation as a whole, and the sacrifice of the people's living standards to the require- ments of a war economy * * * Those who today make our bipartisan foreign policy seek to * * * un- loose a war of aggression against the Soviet Union and the East-European democracies. (Testimony submitted on April 2, 1948, to the Senate Armed Services Committee, in behalf of the Communist Party; Political Affairs, May 1948, pp. 412 and 415).
huge military budget * * * (1943 Election Platform of the CP USA;
Political Affairs, September 1948, p. 938).
The proposed military mobilization, if approved by Congress, will greatly accelerate our steady drift toward war * * * xhe President's message call- ing for the draft and universal military
training has presented no facts to sup- port his charge that American security is threatened * * * no facts have
yet been adduced to support the charges of aggression or intervention levelled at the Soviet Union (Statement on Con- scription and Universal Military Train- ing by the National Lawyers Guild, April 16, 1948).
The United States Congress should "repudiate the concept of compulsory peacetime military training and repeal the Selective Service Act of 1948 and then reduce appropriations for military expenditures, applying the saving there- byproducedtoprogramsneededforthe improvement of housing, health, educa- tion, social security, and the conserva- tion of national resources" (National Lawyers Guild Convention Resolution, February 1949; Lawyers Guild Review,
11. Universal Military Training
vol. IX, No. 1, Winter 1949, p. 56). 12. VooRHis Act
(Explanatory Note.—The Voorhis Act provides for the registration of certain organizations within the United States which are under foreign control. It was followed by the formal disaffiliation of the Communist Party, U. S. A., from the Communist International for the specific purpose of evading the act.)
communist party, u. s. a. national lawyers guild
The Voorhis bill "is such a dia- * * * the bill is an invasion on bolical attack on all trade-unions peace the civil liberties and political freedom and progressive organizations that they of American citizens and should be de- dare not give the people any notice feated (Statement of the Committee on * * * no time can be lost, if another Civil Rights and Liberties of the Na- blitzkrieg against civil rights is to be tional Lawyers Guild, Daily Worker, prevented." Demand "that the Voor- August 2, 1940, p. 2, c. 3-4).
his Act be killed" (Editorial, Daily Worker, July 3, 1940, p. 6, c. 1).