Page 43 - Report on the National Lawyers Guild, legal bulwark of the Communist Party
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America, and Greece (The role of the Communist Party in the Present Situa- tion, Eugene Dennis, Political Affairs, March 1948. p. 211).
The following major issues confront the people in the present election struggles:
* * * for withdrawal of all Amer- ican military aid and personnel from Greece, China, and Turkey * * * (Draft Resolution for the National Convention, C. P. U. S. A., Political Affairs, June 1948, p, 501).
Stop military aid and intervention in China, Korea, and Greece (1948 Election Platform of thee Communist Party,
Political Affairs, September^l948, p. 938).
for effectuating the Cairo and Potsdam agreements, for stopping Wall Street's imperialist intervention in China * * * (Political Affairs, December 1948, p. 1140. From a tele- gram sent by the Communist Party, U. S. A., to the "Glorious Communist Party of China.")
Be assured, dear comrades, we shall
Resolution on China
play our part in the united mass struggle * * * We an immediate eco-
This month, a new Congress convenes
in Washington. It is incumbent on the
American people, in the first place the
American labor and progressive move-
ments, not to overlook this opportunity Chinese people without regard to their to demand an end to all political, mili- geographical location or their political tary and financial intervention in China. beliefs, such assistance to be given The Chinese people must be allowed to through an agency of, or in cooperation find their own way to freedom, inde- with, the United Nations (Resolution of pendence, and democracy without February 1949, National Convention of American interference in any guise (The National Lawyers Guild, Lawyers Guild meaning of the Chinese Revolutionary Review, vol. IX, No. 1, Winter 1949, Victories, Frederick V. Field, Political p. 56).
Affairs, January 1949, p. 73).
The American people have the duty to raise the demand for the withdrawal of all American armed forces and ships from Chinese territory and waters; for an end to all other support of the cor- rupt, decadent and counter-revolution- ary elements; for an end to all imperial- ist intervention; for the defeat of all current proposals for new aid to the enemies of the Chinese people; for the establishment of a real "Hands off" policy toward China.
The common interest of the American and Chinese peoples, and of world peace, demands the complete recognition of the new Chinese Democracy by the United States Government and the establish- ment of normal trade relations on the basis of equality (National Committee, C. P., U. S. A., Salute to the Chinese
People's Victories, Political Affairs, May 1949, pp. 1, 2).
nomic end to the continuing military,
economic, and other aid to the Koumin- tang regime. A great nation in Asia is being reborn and unlimited opfjortunity exists for restoring the immense reser- voir of good will between the American and Chinese people which was once and should be again the keystone of our relations.
We urge that immediate economic assistance be given to the impoverished

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