Page 44 - Report on the National Lawyers Guild, legal bulwark of the Communist Party
P. 44
* * * Giving Greece aid through the United Nations—only civilian, not military aid—is the heart of the Pepper- Taylor idea. It reflects the popular fear for the fate of the United Nations, and it should get support from the wid- est circles, even those who may not agree with Pepper or Taylor on other matters.
And the resolution should provide that the United Nations give aid with- out strings attached and no help to the monarchist-fascist regime. Failure to mention these points weakens the resolu- tion; we believe these provisions should be added.
But the first thing is to stop the rush on the Truman-Vandenberg monstros-
The violation of the Charter and the bypassing of the United Nations are fraught with grave consequences to world
peace. The legislation to implement the President's proposals is violative of the UN Charter, would tend to under- mine the United Nations, and destroy the only hope for world peace. Con- gress should reject the Greco-Turkish aid bills * * * (Committee on In- ternational Law, National Lawyers Guild, Lawyers Guild Review, vol. VII, No. 2, March-April 1947, p. 86).
The hearings on the bill indicate
and —full
ity, get public hearings
that the European Recovery program would retard rather than promote trade and economic relations between the countries of Eastern
for the alternative the Pepper-Taylor resolu- tion {Daily Worker, March 28, 1947, p.
and West- ern Europe and foster division among
* * * Stop military aid and inter-
vention in China, Korea, and Greece
* * * (Political Affairs, September 1948, pp. 938-939, Article: "1948 Elec- tion Platform of the Communist
* * * Scrap the Marshall Plan
and the Truman Doctrine. Furnish large-scale economic assistance to the war-ravaged victims of fascist attack. Give this aid through the United Na- tions without political strings * * * {Political Affairs, September 1948, pp. 938-939, Article: "1948 Election Plat- form of the Communist Party").
the nations of the world.
ERP fails to fulfill the objectives of a
sound plan for genuine aid for European reconstruction.
The unilateral approach of ERP is con-
trary to the sound policy of utilizing the United Nations organization * * * The direction of ERP may be gauged in the light of American Foreign Policy of which it is a part. The Tru- man Doctrine, which remains in opera- tion today, sanctions military interven- tion in Greece, Turkey, and China which serves to maintain in power corrupt and antidemocratic regimes {Lawyers Guild Review, vol. VIII, No. 1, January- February 1948, pp. 316, 317).
2. EuropeanRecoveryProgram
3. Germany
Boycott all goods to or from Germany, The National Lawyers Guild * * * Japan, and Italy. Refuse to load goods urges the National Munitions Control on ships going to or coming from Ger- Board to terminate the practice of ap- many, Italy, or Japan. proving munitions exports to Germany
Not a ton of coal, not a barrel of and further urges the National Muni- petroleum, not a bar of steel, nothing tions Control Board to modify its prac-
for the troops of invasion and the traitor Franco {Daily Worker, January 27, 1939, p. 1).
obHgations under the Potsdam agree-
ment for a Big Four settlernent that will
assure a democratically unified Ger-
many, able and willing to pay just repa-
rations, and ready to rejoin the family
of democratic European nations. Any
other course, such as the present ma-
neuvering for control of the Ruhr and
for a West European bloc under Ameri- tion of National Lawyers Guild Na- can cartel domination, would lead away tional Convention, February 1938;
from peace and would strengthen the forces of reaction here at home. (James S. Allen, The Marshall Offensive for Imperializing the Ruhr, Political Affairs, vol. XXVI, No. 8 (August 1947), p. 760).
Lawyers Guild Review, vol. 8, No. 1, January-February 1948, p. 318).
tice of denying the public access to ap-
proved licenses for mimitions exports
(Resolution adopted at 3d Annual Con- ventionoftheNationalLawyersGuild,
February 10-13, 1939; National Lawyers
Guild Quarterly, vol. 2, No. 1, April
1939, p. 86).
Resolved that the Ruhr be placed
under four-power control as part of a general settlement looking toward the unification of Germany and the rebuild- ing of Europe for world peace (Resolu-