Page 46 - Report on the National Lawyers Guild, legal bulwark of the Communist Party
P. 46

7. Argentina
communist party, u. s. a. national lawyers guild
Certainly there can be no thought National Lawyers Guild Urges State of inviting Argentina to attend the San Department Bar Argentine at Francisco parley. And the American Prisco
people through all their organizations must make this very clear in Washing-
ton {Daily Worker, April 11, 1945, (editorial), p. 6).
Molol^v Fights Argentine Bid But
Conference Approves Entry {Daily '
Worker (headline) May 1, 1945).
Break diplomatic relations with fas-
cist Spain and Argentina * * *. Remove from the State Department
State Stettinius was urged by the Na-
tional Lawyers Guild this week to op-
POse membership of Argentina in the United Nations and to bar its participa- ^ion in the San Francisco Conference {Daily Worker, April 23, 1945, p. 9).
Lawyers Ask U. S. Lead in Breaking ox With Argentina
^'"'^ to mstitute jomt consultation
all pro-fascist and reactionary officials
(Resolution of the National Convention
of the C. P., U. S. A, adopted July 28,
\Mb; Political Affairs, v<^\lLXlN,^o. j;^'*^,^^^^ ^^J^? National Lawyers
(September 1945), p. 823).
Even under the liberal Roosevelt ^"^^^^
the American Republics for
regime, when the Latin-American re- breaking diplomatic relations with Ar- ' ''''' ^'^
publics were accorded more democratic S^"*'"^i J^f ^" ^ ^'A°
treatment by the United States Gov- removal of the State Department offi- ernment than ever before, the agents ,T^ responsible for the recognition of
/f^'f'T^^'"" ?'''^^^*°r^T*' * ^""u which were in violent opposition to urged that their places be those who will steadfastly
Roosevelt, busily cultivated fascist- *^'f.^" ^^y °^
minded reaction throughout Latin ^^5^^^ ^? ^ ff^^^ 5^ ^"5 ^^'^''^ America. Their most recent blows ^"^ P^'^-^^"^.^"'^ /^^^^ ^".^ ?,^ ^^^^"i'^S against democracy (struck by two big ^^^^^''^f^:, 7^*^f w^V'^^T ^"1 o"
of the great American trusts, most of
businessmen holding office in the State
^^'''^^ Worker, August 9,
1Q4r'^°^s^ Department, Rockefeller and Stettinus) A^'J^> P- "^^
the Pan-American Union and also into course of conduct by our government.,
j. were to maneuver fascist Argentina into ^^ urge the followmg immediate
Sever diplomatic relations with fascist
Prestes, General Secretary, Communist Y^^ (Committee on International
of delations National Lawyers Brazil, September 19, 1945; f^^V^r Guild Review volYI
the United Nations
* * *
liam Z. Foster, Letter to Luis Carlos ^.Wn^'^jr T^^ ^'T^.
Political Affairs, vol. XXIV, No. 10 Gn^K Lawyers
^o. 1 (January-February 1946) p. 415) 8. Mexico
Full support for the Cardenas govern-
ment of Mexico in its defense of democ-
racv and its struggle against the finan-
ciers of fascism, the oil monopolies and
the Tory Chamberlain Government recently expropriated the oil properties (William Z. Foster, Win the Western of American and other foreign cor- Hemisphere for Democracy and Peace, porations * * *
The Communist, vol. XVII, No. 7 (July Now, therefore, be it«resolved:
1938), p. 614 (based on speech delivered We request that the Government of at the Tenth Convention of the C. P., the United States shall not engage in U. S. A., New York, May 28, 1938)). any acts of intervention on behalf of
The American imperialists dread the said oil companies, because the action growth of a great mass democratic, of the Mexican Government in this peace, national liberation movement in matter affords with respect to the oil Latin America * * * They seek to companies which have violated the laws make the Good Neighbor policy an in- and defied the courts of Mexico no strument of American imperialism, as ground for protest by the United States they did the old Monroe Doctrine, and (Resolution adopted at Third Annual they are thus bringing the greatest pres- Convention of the National Lawyers sure * * * upon Roosevelt to Guild at Chicago, February 10-13, 1939;
(October 1945), p. 916).
Washington, April 22.
Secretary of
c at. j. -o j Secretary of State Byrnes was urged
Mexican Oil Expropriation
(1) The Mexican Government has
^"^ her from
^? *«

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