Page 50 - Report on the National Lawyers Guild, legal bulwark of the Communist Party
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peace forces of the world upon the basis National Munitions Control Board to of a real international policy of peace terminate the practice of aj^proving
(Excerpts reprinted from the Daily munitions exports to Germany" {Na- Worker of July 3, 1937, from the Central tional Lawyers Guild Quarterly April Committee Resolution on the Report of 1939, p. 86) ; warned against "Fascist Earl Browder, National Secretary of the economic and ideological penetration in CommunistPartyoftheUnitedStates). Mexico"; and condemned "German
military aggression in Spain." September 1937 issue of the Guild
News, official organ of its New York chapter (p. 4) : "The Executive Commit- tee has decided that our present neutral- ity legislation must be condemned for its marked deficiences and has passed a resolution urging Congress to amend the embargo, provisions of the Act so as to make them applicable only to aggressors * * *. The Committee has also decided to call upon the Presi- dent to apply the existing provisions of the Neutrality Act to Italy and Ger- many on the ground that they are en- gaged in a state of war with the legiti- mate Government of Spain."
14. WorldWarIIAsImperialist
(Explanatory Note.—The Communist Party, USA, denounced the war as imperialist as soon as the Stalin-Hitler Pact was signed on August 23, 1939.)
communist party, u. s. a.
The Communist Party has issued as the slogan of the day: Keep America Out of the Imperialist War!" In this slogan are implicit what we consider the only correct answers to all those pressing questions about this war.
The course of events since the signing of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact has confirmed a hundred times over the correctness of that action from every point of view except that which in-
corrigibly against mountains of evi- dence, considers Chamberlain and the British Empire the full and sufficient foundation for international order and world peace (Speech of Earl Browder, General Secretary, Communist Party, USA, delivered at Town Hall, Phila- delphia, September 29, 1939).
For the flower of the American youth the right to life itself is challenged by those who claim the privilege to con- script them and to throw them into reactionary war for the benefit of the propertied classes. * * * But with 11,000,000 Americans unemployed, the Democratic Party Administration is
sacrificing all social legislation, unem-
ployment and old-age insurance and
educational guarantees for the youth,
in order to pour all resources of the
nation as well as the blood of our people
into the scramble of monopoly capital
for domination of the world (Election Abraham J. Isserman, Maurice Sugar,
The following active leaders of the National Lawyers Guild, members of the lawyers committee to keep the United States out of war, attended the Emergency Peace Mobilization. From there they sent the President a telegram of protest to condemn the Burke-Wads- worth conscription bill as "unconstitu- tional and as representing a violent upheaval in the social, political and economic life of our country" and as "a direct step toward American involve- ment in war": Samuel M. BUnken, Leo Linder, Edward Lamb, Pearl M. Hart,

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