Page 52 - Report on the National Lawyers Guild, legal bulwark of the Communist Party
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It is our war and it must be won. It a statement urging the opening of a must be won in the battle of produc- second front in Europe without delay." tion, in the battle of delivery, and in (The latter is quoted—no date given— the battle of arms for the annihilation
of the enemy * * * j^ means an
all-out participation in the Battle of the
Atlantic, for its eastern shores, for the
freedom of the seas.- It means all the Soviet Union is not stopped, victory measures necessary to bring about the for the United Nations will at least be opening of a new front in Western delayed for many years with the Europe (The Communist, vol. XX, No. enormous cost in human life and 11 (November 1941), pp. 956, 957). sacrifice that will entail. Indeed we
For a Second Front in Europe! {The believe that the security and inde-
Communist, April 1942, p. 199).
Open A Western Front in Europe!
(The Communist, May 1942, p. 296).
* * * fight for and demand the
pendence of our nation is critically at stake. It seems evident to us that only the immediate opening of a second front will make it possible to assure
opening of a Second Front against the victory of the United Nations Hitler in Europe immediately {The * * *" (Laivyers Guild Review, Vol. Communist, June 1942, p. 401). II, No. V (September 1942) p. 45.
The demand for the Second Front for Article: "The Guild and the Second the all-out offensive to smash Hitler in Front").
1942, embraces ever wider circles of the
population and becomes more insistent
{The Communist, July 1942, p. 488). No Delay in Opening the Western
Front! {The Communist, August 1942, p. 579).
It is time to Open the Western Front Against Hitler Without Further Delay (The Communist, September 1942, p. 675).
16. Spain
* * * Break diplomatic and eco- The National Lawyers Guild called nomic ties with Franco-Spain * * * fQj. "severance of all economic and (1948 Election Platform, CP-USA, diplomatic relations with Franco Spain" Political Affairs, September 1948, pp. (National Lawyers Guild, Convention
Resolutions, February 1949. Lawyers Guild Review, Winter 1949, p. 56).
(Vigorous opposition to Franco by both the Communist Party and the
National Lawyers Guild, throughout the period of instant survey, is a matter
of public record.) Daily Worker; The Com,munist; Political Affairs; National Lawyers Guild Quarterly; Lawyers Guild Review.
17. Soviet Union
Red Army hurls back invading Fin- nish troops, crosses frontier {Daily Worker (headline), December 1, 1939, p. 1).
Wall Street Uses Finland for War
The newspapers of the country are giving the American people a heavy dose of war propaganda on the latest develop- ments in Finland.
The press has obviously determined to drug the intelligence of the American people, to paralyze all common-sense
Osmond K. Fraenkel, Guild Vice
President,wasquotedassayingthatthe National Executive Board in December 1939 denounced the Soviet invasion of Finland {New York Times, June 6, 1940, p. 27).
and a copy of the statement is set forth;
it is quoted in part:)
"It seems clear to us that if the
present advance of the Axis forces in

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