Page 54 - Report on the National Lawyers Guild, legal bulwark of the Communist Party
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Despite all threats and persecutions we will continue resolutely to work for
peace. Instead of an aggressive North Atlantic Pact—a resurrected anti-Com- munist Axis—we shall continue, in company with millions of other Ameri- cans, to urge that our nation shall sign a Pact of Friendship and Peace with our great wartime ally, the Soviet Union {Political Affairs, April 1949, p. 4; article: "Is the Advocacy of Peace Treason?" by William Z. Foster and Eugene Dennis).
American trade-unionists, workers, all progressives and peace-loving Ameri- cans must make their voices heard. End the cold warl Scrap the Atlantic Alliance for aggression! Defend the hard-won democratic rights of the
people! Stop t—he war preparations! Jobs and homes not guns! For an American-Soviet Peace Pact! {Political Affairs, April 1949, p. 17; article: "The Struggle for Peace" by Marvin Reiss).
The Guild adopted a "Resolution on the Cold War in the Light of the New Concept of International Law" which called for an end to the "cold war" and the "revitalization of cooperative rela- tions among the great powers and es- pecially between the United States and the Soviet Union." "Adherence to the principles of concurrence and coopera- tion will eliminate the need to consider measures inconsistent with the spirit of the United Nations, such as the con- templated North Atlantic Pact or any other military arrangement * * *"
{Lawyers Guild Review, Vol. 9, No. 1, Winter 1949).
communist party, U. 8. A.
Put an end to atom bomb diplomacy which is paving the way to World War III.
The National Lawyers Guild re- portedly (1) criticized American secrecy concerning atomic bomb, (2) urged that control of atomic energy be placed with
18. Atlantic Pact
19. Atomic Energy
The Churchill-Byrnes-Truman * * *
"outlook is to impose their will on the the UN Security Council, (3) stated
world, including the Soviet Union, by U. S. Atomic bomb policy "has antag- overwhelming military power based on onized the Soviet Government, alarmed the atom bomb (Statement issued on the French Government and created March 5, 1946^ by the National Secre-
tary of the Communist Party, USA; Political Affairs, vol. XXV, No. 4
(April 1946), pp. 292-293).
What a country does on a specific
disquiet among the English" {Daily Worker, December 27, 1945).
issue at home is a pretty good index to
policy. This is particularly true of our
government's pohcy on the inter- our peaceful intentions {Laioyers Guild national control of atomic energy.
The Baruch Plan was designed by the same men who have established monop-
oly-control over atomic energy at home * * * Their objective, plainly discernible in the domestic and international control policy, is to retain the monopoly of atomic energy at home and abroad, for war or for peace. Here is to be found the real obstacle to atomic disarmament and the effective outlawing of the atomic bomb {Daily Worker, Nov. 4, 1946, p. 6; article: "The Trustified Atom" by James Allen).
Review, vol. VI, No. 1, p. 415, January- February 1946).
Our insistence upon maintaining a monopoly of the "secret" atomic bomb manufacture has caused widespread doubt, throughout the world, regarding