Page 7 - TBC Wright Finlay & Zak LLP.
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Wright, Finlay & Zak LLP., has
provided evidence to willful participation in an organized criminal Ponzi scheme centered around the theft of financial access devices.
Through acts of conspiracy where claims of authority to commit criminal acts, by “clients” to which no delegation of authority can be produced, and the trafficking of counterfeit access devices, in the form of fraudulent “Assignment” and false claims designed to willfully, defraud the United States of obligations pursuant to 18 USC 8.
The actions by Wright, Finlay & Zak include the aiding, abetting and assistance with disguising, registered trademarked embezzled Signature Dollar in United States Currency Notes, smuggled from the several States of the American Union, clandestinely introduced as debased securities, that should have been invoiced and placed onto the books of the United States Treasury.
Wright, Finlay & Zak LLP’s participation in the Ponzi scheme includes possession and trafficking of counterfeit access devices, unlawfully using the registered mark “RALPH BENDEL NEAL®” in breach of trust. Operating without a valid license, Wright, Finlay & Zak LLP., is operating to aid, abet and instigate unlawful infringement of the registered mark, smuggling illegal insider traded counterfeit securities deposited to the County Recorder, in restraint of trade. Wright, Finlay & Zak LLP., is aware of the fact that the Real Party in Interest, issuer to the securities Registrar is the true entitlement holder to securities trafficked interstate, evidenced by filings
to the California Superior Court Santa Clara Count June 27, 2019 where partner Gwen Heather Ribar and James Jose Ramos acknowledged the Deed of Trust recorded May 25, 2007 in the Santa Clara Recorders Office and provided a true and correct copy.
The Deed of Trust specifically prohibits assignment by other than the original lender confirming the assignment of the Deed of Trust referenced by James Jose Ramos and Gwen Heather Ribar on behalf of Wright, Finlay & Zak LLP., who illegal practiced law in California. Request for judicial notice in support of opposition to injunction, submitted confirms knowledge of the factually, facially void, materially false claims that Wright Finlay & Zak, LLP., is authorized to represent and act as attorneys entitled to practice law in California.
The opposition contained numerous, materially false statements confirming conspiracy, collusion and intent to commit actual fraud by intentional corrupt acts to defraud. Wright, Finlay & Zak LLP., provided a true and correct copy of the deed of trust, counterfeit counterfeit assignment and hearsay testimony, confirming they are conspiring to commit identity theft by impersonating authorized attorneys, creating “make believe” “purported” clients and impersonation of a lawful bona-fide holder to the subject note and deed.
Gwen Heather Ribar and James J. Ramos on behalf of Wright, Finlay & Zak LLP., commit fraud upon the court by the intentional deposit of the counterfeit assignment on behalf of clients that to date they have not provided any delegation of authority without following the instructions on the counterfeit assignment that required, the note and deed not be