Page 8 - TBC Wright Finlay & Zak LLP.
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separated and deposits with the assignment to the County of Santa Clara Recorder.
The note evidencing issue of signature dollars in United States Currency Notes in the amount of one million dollars, has been smuggled from deposit from the custodianship of the Securities and Exchange Commission who provided an attestation as the custodian of record.
Gwen Heather Ribar, James Jose Ramos, and Wright, Finally & Zak LLP., have full knowledge of the impossibility that their “purported” client(s) are bona fide holders entitled to security interest, that they are making impossible claims of possession to stolen property, smuggled trademarked commodities, in a criminal financial access device smuggling network, all participants are subject to fine or prison not more than 20 years, or both.
Proof of defendant’s possession of smuggled goods, unless explained to the satisfaction of a jury, shall be deemed evidence sufficient to authorize conviction for violation of form smuggling Signature Dollars in United States Currency Notes. Merchandise introduced into the United States in violation of this section, or the value thereof, to be recovered and shall be forfeited to the United States.
Aiding unlawful importation every thing used in, to aid in or facilitate by obtaining information or in any other way, the importation, bringing in , unlading, landing removal, concealing, harboring or subsequent transportation of any article which is being or has been introduced, or attempted to be introduced, into the United States contrary to law, may be seized. Every person who directs, assists financially or otherwise, or is in any way concerned
in any unlawful activity ought to be liable to a penalty equal to the value of the articles seized, stolen, and clandestinely imported and introduced to public exchanges and sold using fraudulent county counterfeit filings to falsify ownership.
The organized criminal network where the rights of man are conspired against by more than two, to create, traffic, hold, buy, and sell counterfeit access devices, created from unauthorized use of the registered mark, RALPH BENDEL NEAL®.
These counterfeit articles are held in certificate-less unit investment trust pools, under “street name” like WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2007-OA6 to disguise the identity of the real party in interest, true, rightful holder of entitlement and beneficial interest, issuer to the private assets.
Agents operating under the illegal corporate veil Wright, Finlay & Zak LLP are impersonating authorized officers of the court acting in “fiduciary” roles, to conspire in Ponzi schemes for the transfer of stolen, counterfeited goods to County buildings on boundaries between the United States and the several States of the American Union as proven on the assignment introduced by Wright, Finlay & Zak LLP’s., purported clients, to the Superior Court of Santa Clara County while impersonating authorized attorneys.
The counterfeit access device, fraudulent assignment, continues to be laundered through county recorder offices by criminal network despite registration and deposit with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the United States of America.