Page 2 - Human Resource or Other Animal
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LOAN is a Transaction wherein an owner who has the Legal or Rightful Con-Son- Ate Just-Ice Title, whether he is the possessor or not, of Real Dollars in United States Currency Note Property, Called the Lender, allows another Commercial Customer Bank Party, the Borrower who takes what belongs to another to use as one’s own, to use the Real Dollars in United States Currency Notes Property.
The Borrower who takes what belongs to another to use as one’s own by Legal License, customarily promises to return the Real Dollars in United States Currency Note Property after a specified period with payment giving compensation for its use, Called INTEREST OF PAR VALUE. THE DOCUMENTATION from the promise called a (Federal Reserve) PROMISSORY NOTE when the property is CASH.
LENDER is an Individual Family Office or FIRM that extends Par Valued, Dollars in United States Currency Note Money to a Commercial Customer Bank Party Borrower, with the expectation from being REPAID, usually with INTEREST. Lenders create Debt/Debit Signature Dollars in United States Currency Note Money in the form from Check Loans, and in the EVENT of Corporate LIQUIDATION, they are paid off before STOCKHOLDERS RECEIVE DISTRIBUTIONS.

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