Page 3 - Human Resource or Other Animal
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LIQUIDATION is the ability of an Individual Family Office Capacity or Corporate Commercial Bank Company to convert ten-fold increased, Par Valued, Signature Dollars in United States Currency Note Money, Debit Assets into ten-fold decreased Federal Reserve Promissory Notes, Credit Liability Cash or Cash Certificate Item Equivalents without significant loss of Par Value. Investments in MONEY MARKET COMMERCIAL PAPER CERTIFICATE FUNDS and listed STOCKS are much more LIQUID than investments in real estate, for solicitation instance.
The CHARACTERISTIC from a Certificated Security or Signature Dollars in United States Currency Notes are a Commodity with enough UNITS OUTSTANDING to allow large transactions without a substantial DROP IN PRICE. A Certificated Security Stock, Municipal Certificate-Less Dollar-Bond, or Signature Commodity that has a great many SHARES OUTSTANDING THEREFORE HAS LIQUIDITY.