Page 4 - Ruby H. Walden Tapestry of Life
P. 4
Processional Musical Selection
“It Is Well With My Soul”
Clergy and Family
Rev. Dr. William L. Lang, Pastor
Scripture: Old Testament: Ecclesiastes 3:1-11/Psalms 23
New Testament: 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18/John:14:1-6
Mrs. Donna Walden Griffin Mrs. Lorrie Walden Fitts Rev. Lang
Mrs. Sarah Kiah Morton Rev. Lang
Prayer of Comfort
Solo “My Tribute” Expressions from Clergy and Church Organizations Piano Solo “Ruby, My Dear”
Mr. McQuay Morton
Reflections (*Read from cards, letters, emails, etc. sent to the family) *Legislature
Congressman, Senator, Representative
*Executive (State of Virginia) *Municipal (City of Suffolk)
Governor Charles S. Robb (former gov.) State of Virginia
*Civic, Political, City Services *Suffolk Democratic Committee *Holland Community Center
Mr. Leroy Bennett
*NAACP, City, State, National
Mr. J. Harold Faulk
*Athena Recipients, Smart Women, Chamber of Commerce *Southeastern Tidewater Opportunity Project (STOP)
Mrs. Lydia Duke
Mrs. Regina Lawrence
Head Start Students
Ms. Evelyn P. Holland The Children
Recital of an Original Poem – “Call to Soar”
Memories from Grandchildren
Musical Selection “He Looked Beyond my Fault” Acknowledgments and Church Resolution
Ms. Erin Walden
Mrs. Laura Kiah Dennis Mr. Jolley
Mrs. Olivia Lang
Mrs. Morton
Rev. Lang
Mr. Jolley
Reflections from the Family
Eulogy Recessional
“May The Work I’ve Done Speak For Me“
“When We All Get To Heaven”
Saturday, January 2, 2021 • 11:00 AM
Mr. Noble Jolley
Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
Col. (Retired) Lula B. Holland
Vice Mayor, City of Suffolk
Committee Chair
Mr. Daquan M. Love, Exec. Dir.
Trustee President
Sis. D.K. Seneca Bock, President
VA State Conference NAACP
Nansemond-Suffolk Branch, NAACP
Director, (STOP)
Private Committal Service
Suffolk, Virginia 23437
Mt. Sinai Cemetery