Page 4 - UCS Global Americas Brochure
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Uniquely engaged.
We strongly believe that a successful corporate dining
experience creates the perfect opportunity for employee
engagement. Offering well-balanced meals can increase
participation, attract and retain top talent and foster a
unique company culture.
Our programs are based on the premise that employee
engagement is nurtured through the enjoyment of well-
balanced, nutritional meals in a special café setting. Fresh
food made with the best ingredients is what we’re all about.
In order to provide the highest quality food, it is critical that
we start with only the best, most responsible providers.
This means local, sustainable and trusted partners that are
fully invested in our vision.
To directly support your strategic vision and build upon
our client’s impressive reputations, UCS Global provides a
world-class food service program while controlling costs
and offering real value, resulting in improved employee
loyalty, productivity and retention.
Finally, as a privately owned company we are be nimble
and flexible and not subject to corporate requirements
driven from headquarter locations thousands of miles
away. Our low overhead will ensure we can provide great
programs at very reasonable pricing.
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