Page 13 - Table of Contents Essay
P. 13
And what about from here?
I’m 28 and I’ve done a lot of things. Not overly impressive things- I didn’t mean to give you that
impression- but things nonetheless. I believe there might be something to say for that. Probably not, but
In any case, there’s other things, of potentially equal insignificance, that I’d love to do. Being the family
man that I am, I want to stay with my father’s company. My Dad started IDSS 7 years ago and despite
my best efforts, we’ve been in explosive growth mode ever since. Our last raise valued the company at
$80M and there’s plenty in the works to suggest that number goes up to $81M. I’m currently the
corporate controller, but the toll of time tells me that eventually the CFO will get senile enough for me
to assume his position.
In the meantime, there’s plenty else to keep my after-hours occupied. I’ve been working with 2 friends
on an asinine idea to streamline p2p recommendations. I built a prototype that I very much doubt you’ll
be over the moon about, but take a look anyway:
The idea is to automatically scrape apps, via user permission controls, for user history and publish media
consumption in tv, movies, dining, podcasts and books so that you can flaunt your lifestyle in a
legitimized way and force friends to imitate it. It’s a terrible idea and I doubt it’ll make it past
development, but it’s my life and I’ll use my free time as I choose…. Until someone tells me it’s a terrible
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