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Nur News 8

                                Greetings from Your              uninterrupted. A fantastic job was done
                                Shrine,                          by all units participating.

                                It has been a rather             On May 27    th  the Annual Legion of Honor
                                busy Quarter for your            Wreath Laying Ceremony was moved
                                Shrine.                          inside your Shrine due to inclement
                                April 6 th  was the              weather and was a very touching
                                celebration of the               ceremony.

                                Min-Choppers 20      th
                               Anniversary. I deeply             In April:
        appreciate the invitation that was
        presented to Lady Sandy and Me. The                      The Pirate Bash on the 1  was fantastic
        event started with the American flag                      and brought a lot of smiles and
        presented by a Mini-Chopper bringing it                  fellowship to everyone that attended.
        in the hall and the excitement only grew                 The food was unbelievable and many
        from that point. The camaraderie among                   thanks goes to the Mini-Choppers for the
        everyone there is indescribable. The                     preparation of the food. It was a great
        Pirates provided the food and to see two                 feeling to see two units working together
        units working together to make this                      to accomplish such an event.
        event happen is truly remarkable and
        appreciated.                                             The Legion of Honor had their second
                                                                 Pull Tab Bingo on the 2     nd   and was well
        The annual Carnival was here from the                    attended. Special Thanks goes out to Bea

        10 th  through the 20    th  and was a great             Wertz and Linda Auerbach for the work
        success. Many thanks to all those that                   that they put in to make it a great event
        assisted with this as it a major fund                    and to Willie Wertz and Lou Auerbach for
        Raise for you Shrine. Kudos to Jeff Lank                 their providing concessions for
        for the promotion and coordination for                   everyone. Everyone that assisted in
        this event.                                              making this happen did a great job and I
        	                                                        am sure that all members of the Legion

        The Dover Days Parade on May 10            th  was       appreciate those who volunteered during
        well attended and as always the Shrine                   that day.
        was the star of the show.
        	                                                        The New Castle Separation day on the
        The Cinco de Mayo celebration was well                   8 th  was a good parade and the cheers
        attended and the fellowship was great. I                 and smiles of the spectators was
        want to thank Lady Sandy all of the hard                 unbelievable.
        work that she put in before during and
        after the event. From the decorations to                 The Business Meeting that was held on
        food preparation was fabulous.                           the 10  th  was well attended and several
        	                                                        concerns were addressed. The report
        The Newark Memorial Day Parade was                       about the improvements of your building
        great. As always it went smooth and                      showed significant progress. There are
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