Page 6 - HOI Book 2024
P. 6

Rabbi’s Message

            There is a quote “LIFE is a DAY that lies between two NIGHTS – the night of 'not yet' before birth and the
            night of 'no more' after death. And DEATH is a NIGHT that lies between two DAYS – the day of 'life' in this
            world and the day of 'eternal life' in the world to come.

            Our journal is dedicated to the memory and eternal existence of our departed loved ones; their Neshama –
            their G-dly soul. Special thank you to our supporters and our dedicated shul staff. By contributing to
            Tzedaka and performing mitzvot we bring elevation to the souls of our departed loved ones. Our connection
            to them is permanent. May we always be inspired to remember and increase our goodness in the merit of
            our departed.
            One of our Memorial Boards is dedicated to the 6 million souls who perished during the Holocaust
            (see page 11). We now feel the pain of a prevailing Holocaust. May Hashem (G-d) avenge the blood of our
            holy loved ones, the 6 million, the souls of those brutally murdered on October 7, 2023, the souls who were
            murdered in captivity and the souls of the IDF who have fallen protecting our People and our Land.

            May Hashem assist us in bringing home the hostages safely and give us the ultimate comfort, the
            blessing of Peace with Mashiach ; Amen.

            Am Yisrael Chai!

            Rabbi Emanuel Carlebach

            President's Message

            Dear Members & Friends,

            I hope that this message finds you and yours in good health.

            This year, while the HOI Journal is in memory of our many loved ones who we remember with much love
            and respect and are grateful for their presence in our lives, the book also honours the brave soldiers of the
            Israel Defense Forces.

            Since October 7th, 2023 our people in Israel and around the world has been attacked by terrorists, enemies
            of the State and antisemites of all types and degrees. This should remind us that in order persevere and
            grow we must stand together and unite as people, as a community, as an organization and as a shul.

            Our sages compare the Jewish people to olives. The more we are squeezed, the more good oil comes out of
            us and the more light we bring into the world around us. I pray that we all should be in a position to give,
            contribute and grow without the pressure of being squeezed.
            I wish to thank all our supporters and advertisers for their continued support of our House of Israel and for
            you to be blessed in return for many years to come.

            Am Israel Chai
            Jacob Haimovici

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