Page 7 - HOI Celebrating 70 Years
P. 7

Rabbi’s Message

            As we observe the 70th anniversary celebration of the House of Israel Synagogue, our community
            family are thankful to the Al-Mighty for these eventful years in which we have all worked together.

            We cherish the memories of our founders and builders; acknowledging their incredible efforts in
            assuring a vibrant community in the Laurentians. Seventy years later HOI is strong and is providing
            a vital need to all families living and visiting up north.

            70 is a unique number as it represents 'A lifetime' (Psalms 90). This number carries the message to
            cherish life itself; to utilize ones time fully and carefully. Time is a most precious commodity; and
            as time goes on its preciousness intensifies.

            HOI and its' future is bright. We are grateful to all our members and dear friends for your
            tremendous support. Thank you to our journal supporters. A special Thank You to our wonderful
            office staff, Debby Leboff and Anna Langlais. Much 'bracha' to our, President, Executive, Board
            and Women's Council.

            Together may we go from 'strength to strength', in assuring a vibrant shul and community for our
            children and generations to come.

            Rabbi Emanuel Carlebach

            President's Message

            As president of the House of Israel, it gives me great pleasure to be celebrating 70 years of
            achievement with all our Members and Supporters. I thank Hashem Yitbarach for giving me the
            strength to contribute and serve our beloved House of Israel.

            We owe our existence to the founding members, who over 70 years ago, had the great vision for
            the future. My vision and prayer are that together as a community, we continue to go from strength
            to strength in celebrating what which is truly important to all of us at the House of Israel and for the
            benefit of our future generations.

            I would like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank all our advertisers and congregants who
            so generously participated in this 70th anniversary journal and all of our fundraising events. It is
            very heartwarming to see how much support we obtain from outside the Laurentians, from people
            who recognize and appreciate what it means to have year-round country shul that we can all be
            proud of.

            We look forward to your participation in all of our HOI upcoming events and programs.
            Jewish spirit is alive and well in the Laurentians!

            Jacob Haimovici
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