Page 24 - GAU_MD_Curriculu,
P. 24

            GAU is continuously striving to advance the delivery of quality education by using two modern teaching methods, namely
            blended learning and the flipped classroom, which were implemented in 2019.

            Blended Learning
            Blended learning provides a mix of technology and traditional face-to-face instruction, combines classroom and online

            learning, allowing students to control the time, pace, and place of their learning.

            Flipped Classroom
            Video lectures and presentations are delivered online using the Student Learning System. The student studies these materials
            at their own pace before attending the scheduled classes. The classroom sessions are used to:

               1)  Explain concepts
               2)  Answer questions students may have about the online presentations and videos viewed

               3)  Use role-play and problem-based learning methods (clinical cases, etc.) to emphasize the concepts taught.

            Policy on Teaching and Learning
            Georgetown American strives to contribute to society at large. The University commits itself to an outward-oriented role in
            Guyana and globally, as an academic institution of excellence and a respected knowledge partner. The University further
            commits itself to foster a campus culture that welcomes a diversity of people and ideas, and that promotes growth and

            Excellence is the underlying value in all learning and teaching programs at the University. The University's vision for the
            field of teaching is formulated as follows:

            A university characterized by quality teaching, by the constant renewal of teaching and learning programs, and by the
            creation of effective opportunities for learning/study.

            The University thus places a high premium on the promotion, acknowledgment, and the reward of good, accountable
            teaching practice and acknowledges the central role of the teaching staff in the realization of our vision.

            Changes in the higher education arena have compelled us to respond accordingly. Indeed, recognizing the benefits of the
            innovative use of technology to support learning, our student Learning Management System is used as a tool for
            incorporating digital materials into the learning process. Videos, audios, power-point presentations, and 3D technologies are

            used to aid in the teaching process. Virtual laboratory sessions are also incorporated in most of the natural sciences-based
            courses and health sciences courses. This system facilitates hands-on experience in various areas, including clinical exposure
            commencing in term One of the medical program. It also augments the types of skills that are required in the work

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