Page 1 - tryflip
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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2019-2020
Name of the student: _____________________________ Roll No.: __
Class: V Div.: ___ Topic: Working with MS Word 2007
Date: __________ Worksheet No.: 1
MS Word 2007 is a word processing software in the Microsoft 2007 Office suite
that allows us to easily create a variety of documents using features such as
themes, styles, and SmartArt.
It is important to know how to perform basic tasks with text when working in a
word processing application. Let us see how to add bullets, change case, and also
to use cut, copy, and paste commands in the clipboard group.
Here’s how we can create a bulleted list
• First, type the points that we want to bullet, one under another.
Make sure we create them as individual paragraphs by pressing
[ENTER] after typing each point.
• Select the paragraphs that we would like to bullet.
• On the Home tab→Paragraph Group→select Bullets button.
• The drop-down arrow on the right of the Bullets button allows us to choose
from different bullet styles.
Creating a numbered list
In the same way as bullets, we can create a numbered list. We
should click the Numbering button in the same paragraph
group of Home tab. The best thing about Word numbering is
that the numbers adjust themselves automatically when we edit
the text.
To end a bulleted or numbered list, just press [ENTER] twice.