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Indonesia-English Compability in Writing Descriptive Text for Early Grade
R.R. Purnomowulan
SMP Negeri 19 Bandung
Early grade in studying English as a foreign language is basically a foundation to achieve good learners. In Indonesia, some primary schools have provided their curricula with English as one of their target language. How far English lesson provided by primary school influence the next grade i.e. Junior High School is the main topic to be discussed here. Furthermore, this essay accommodates how students with their early acquisition support their capability in writing descriptive text.
Descriptive text is a text which describes people, animals, things, or places. The language features applied in this text are specific and detailed noun or noun phrase; simple present tense; describing, numbering and classifying adjective; employing verbs as relational process; and using figurative language such as simile and metaphors (Thai, 2009; Droga & Humphrey, 2011; and Humphrey et al, 2012). Some of the above features have correlation with junior high school student acquisition.
Most students in grade VII of SMPN 19 Bandung with three categories of achievement (poor, fair, and good) in English acquisition have been excellent in introducing themselves; reminding family’s member, identifying explicit labels, list, matches, and names, jobs; recalling numbers, dates, months, etc. Bloom as cited in Clark (2013) remarked that this domain of knowledge stated above is ”recalling data or information”. It is prominent fundamentals for teaching preparation.
Let’s see that English as a foreign language in Indonesia is supposed to be a communicative competence after students mastering their mother tongue (local language) and Bahasa Indonesia as their national language. Thus, these all languages aforementioned are able to be applied in appropriate conditions. Emilia (2012) supports that Indonesian students when learning English as a foreign language can be provided with Indonesian- English interchangeably. Based on the theories and the considerations above, the writer attempted to write the topic “Indonesian-English compatibility in writing descriptive text for Grade VII of SMPN 19 Bandung.
Classroom Implementation
How Indonesian-English can be compatible in writing descriptive text for junior high school students in grade VII? Curriculum 2013 applies the scientific process. The objective of scientific approach, in line with Aclufi, et al (2005) is to help students understand the basic aspects of scientific inquiry, to provide students with an opportunity to practice and refine their critical- thinking skills, and to convey to students the purpose of scientific research. This scientific process triggers students to participate in investingation that

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