Page 3 - 2017 Annual Report Final
P. 3
a letter from our ceo & Board chairman
Dear Friend,
Thank you! With your support this past year Berkshire Farm Center has provided increased, highly-effective programming for
children and families across New York State. We meet families during times of crisis and trauma. Through their participation
in our statewide programming, we are able to fulfill our mission to strengthen children and their families so they can live
safely, independently and productively in their home communities.
Our report features the faces and stories of children and families we have helped with your donations and support. You will
read about Saraha, once a shy young girl from Lockport, who has found her voice and confidence through her participation
in our Niagara Home Run Program.
You will also read about Saadiq, a young man from Brooklyn, who graduated from Berkshire Jr./Sr. High School last June.
This September Saadiq enrolled as a college freshman with the skills he developed at Berkshire, supported with scholarships
funded by our donors.
Each Berkshire story, each Berkshire statistic reflects the positive impact we are able to make on the lives of the children and
families we serve. We are deeply grateful for your support and invite you to continue to work with us on fulfilling our mission
in the coming year.
Jim Dennis Bob Kandel
President & CEO Chairman of the Board