Page 25 - Newsletter
P. 25


                                        When I retrospect my journey at VIT, I see effectual

                                        set of competencies that I have developed
                                        alongside. Apart from academics I would like to
                                        highlight about the skills and ethos that helped me

                                        raise the bar of excellence. The scrupulous
                                        curriculum of VIT has made me sustain the worst

                                        and outshine the best. "We don't grow when things
                                        are easy, we grow when we face challenges"
                                        resonate completely with my journey here and it

          KEERTHAN K.R                  helped me escalate my learning curve and personal

            15BEE1158                   development.

     Coming to the projects and practical learning, I had the best time at VIT. It is
     easy to whine for resources that we don't have access to but are we actually
     making the best use of the ones that are available to us? This is where VIT

     made me utilize time and resources properly and skew those set of
     competencies currently in need.

     Emphasizing and recapitulating my journey, I gladly say
     1.I have met different people with diverse sensibilities and that's how I got

     different perspective.
     2.I have got opportunities and platforms that made me what I am today

     3.The four years were like burning in a furnace and coming out refined,
     having those technical and social traits.
     4. I have met many amazing teachers who not just taught engineering but to

     drive through the course of competitive life.

     Currently, I work in an organization I have always dreamt of. It was all
     possible through the magic ingredients that I got sprinkled with here. Dream
     big and work hard is what I believe which made my maneuvering right to

     reach my goals. To all my fellow juniors and more juniors to come, Well done
     so far-Keep going. Remember why you are here and channelize

     your focus towards where you wish to be in future.
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