Page 31 - Newsletter
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      India’s second mission to the
      moon, Chandrayaan 2,will

      boldly go where no country has
      never been before, the Lunar

      South Pole. Chandrayaan-2
      attempts to foster a new age of
      discovery, increase our

      understanding of space,
      stimulate the advancement of
      technology, promote global

      alliances, and inspire a future
      generation of explorers and

      The Moon provides the best linkage to Earth’s early history. It offers an

      undisturbed historical record of the inner solar system environment. Though there
      are a few mature models, the origin of the moon still needs further explanations.
      There is a possibility that there is water in the shadowed regions of the Lunar
      South Pole that are completely untouched by the sun. The craters and the cold
      traps might contain a fossil record of the early solar system that may help us
      understand the origin of the earth.

      The mission consists of a launcher , an orbiter, a lander and a rover. The GLSV Mk-III

      is India’s most powerful launcher up to date and has been completely designed and
      fabricated from within the country.  The orbiter will observe the Lunar surface and

      relay communication between  the Earth and Chandrayaan 2’s lander- Vikram.
      Vikram is designed to execute India’s first soft landing on the lunar surface. The rover

      is a six wheeled AI powered vehicle called Pragyaan which in Sanskrit means

      The experiments performed in this mission, aim to expand humanity’s understanding
      of the origins of the solar system.

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