Page 4 - Telecom Reseller AprilMay 2015
P. 4
4 Telecom Reseller
April/May 2015
ecom Reseller
If she dials 911,
continued from page 1
will the critical help she Much of what passed for industry “insight” and every mistake possible. And it’s doubtful if your
needs be able to ind her?
“objectivity” was really incomplete, uninformed company wants to pay to make those mistakes,
opinion, or inluenced by advertising. And even where you can “fail fast.”
technologies, their pricing, their applications, OK – that being said, why is the value of IT
and their adaptations were changing too quickly rvice disrup- business and business IT research and analysis
for companies to keep pace, forcing too many other major being so soundly discounted by so many?
decisions that cost too much money.
ailures, bro- th epidemics First, we have to look at analysis irms
Anybody seeing the pattern that’s repeating gional ofice
themselves. Too many became so big, or
right now?
dramatical- so powerful, or grew so fast, that ego and s
“OK, Bruce, but you’re missing the point. We tinuity plan opinion became confused too oten for insight n
have much more information and more skilled and informed people today than we did 30 years of potential
and guidance. Grandiose statements, clever observations, and controversial ideas help to gain
ago, so we don’t need research analysts and their notice and build notoriety, but it is too easy for
ilk the way that we did back then.”
g, Presence, om a Hosted such to become valued and expected. Opinion
Excellent points. But where your position fails erhaps, with is important, and necessary, for analyst irms to
is when it is exposed to reality.
off-site data
succeed in providing value. We are being paid
Allow me to explain as follows:
applications for our opinion on what things mean and what
Yes, there is much more information on both continue to should be done as a result. But once opinion
the IT business and business IT available through eather any outpaces qualiied analysis, the analyst and
many more sources today, and the vast majority n expect the
the analysis irm shit increasingly away from a
of that information is more or less free - to those as the result business value.
who can ind it, categorize it, qualify it, separate open. – U.S.
Second, most analysis irms were built around e
opinions from facts, and then igure out how
technology types, whose relevance changes
to apply it to their own instances. Eventually, ut business over time, which leads to a difusion of analysis o
advanced analytics using Big Data capabilities three years focus, which makes it more diicult to ind real n
will be adaptable to many if not most IT business anagement
experts. Some of this is due to changing buy-side M
and business IT decision-making circumstances, needs, some is due to changing technologies, but
and will assist strategic decision making in ever- ted UC for most is due to changing business requirements s
Don’t compromise Our E911 solutions increasing scope. But by then, the complexities
l Loss. With ications dur- for and utilization of IT that were outside of n
of the IT business and of business IT will also ard business
what traditional tech-irst irms understand –
your employees’ help 911 callers get have increased – and you won’t know how or why without experienced analysts.
l Win. %
regardless of whether those irms are on the buy side, the provider side, or the analyst fence in a
the assistance they Yes, there are a great many more people between.
need − fast.
worldwide with relevant and useful technology hird, we are in a time of volume-ruled
and business experience. But they don’t work
discussions populated by “experts” of limited
for you. he folks who work for you are very qualiication and/or objectivity. Broadcast news
The E911 Experts
good, but they are also extremely unlikely to and sports reports and discussions are ruled by have the increasingly broad and deep industry/ opinion, fueled by “facts” that may not be true
technology/ service/reality knowledge and even in part. As facts become devalued, so do
experience that come from making, or analyzing,
the relevance and value of those providing and
des One Voice AudioCodes One Voice o
soft Lync
for Microsoft Lync
s and Gatewa
Branch Ofice Survivability
Branch Ofice Survivability
Lync-compatible IP Phones
SBCs and Gateways
onnect Lync to • Uninterrupted Lync services in cases of legacy and IP-based PBXs
• Uninterrupted Lync services in cases of
• Connect Lync to legacy and IP-based PBXs
• Fully integrated with Lync C
nd the PSTN lost WAN connecivity
lost WAN connecivity • Presence monitoring
and the PSTN
ecured SIP Tru
• Integrated data services
nking • Integrated data services • High-deiniion voice quality (RTAWB/WB) • Secured SIP Trunking
tegrate fax ma
• Advanced call rouing capabiliies
chines and analog devices • Advanced call rouing capabiliies
• Extensive set of essenial enterprise phone features • Integrate fax machines and analog devices
• Secured SIP trunk and PSTN fallback
• Secured SIP trunk and PSTN fallback
work & Servi
Professional Services
ce Management Tools
Professional Services
Applications for Lync
Network & Service Management Tools
AM&P tools fo • Connect 3party SIP phones
r pre-deployment staging
• Global services porfolio for partners
nd live networ
• Global services porfolio for partners rd ks
• OAM&P tools for pre-deployment staging
• Planning, design and implementaion
tegraion with • Planning, design and implementaion Microso•tLSyCnOc-Mqualiied passive call record•inEgxtensive post-sales support oapnidolnivse networks
oice quality m • Extensive post-sales support opions
onitoring•wAituhtoS-eastseionndant with lexible IVR and addiional • Integraion with Microsot SCOM
xperience Man
ager (SEMs)ubscriber feature
• Voice quality monitoring with Session
• Applicaions may run on AudioCodes SBA hardware
Experience Manager (SEM)
at the Microso
ft Lync Conference, booth #625 or at Enterprise Connect, booth #1208
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20/05/2015 19:26